12 steps to a Healthier life in 2012 {part 1}

Please join me over at Keeper of the Home where I’ll discuss steps you & I can take to be healthier this year and ways to not get overwhelmed with all of your goals.

Today you can read about part 1 of steps you can take towards a Healthier Life which includes: Choosing Whole Foods, Thinking Positively, Making Time to Exercise, Following a Schedule, Reducing Toxins, Using Natural Personal Care Products and Home Cleaners

sneak peak:

It’s January, so we all know what that means… New Year’s Resolutions. Did you know that according Time Magazine after just 9-10 days these so called resolutions fail. So if your wrote any you probably already stopped or quit one or more of them. Dictionary.com defines resolution as a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.

A couple of reasons why we fail at resolutions are we’re too busy and we’re too broad. What we need to do is say exactly what our goal is and how we will accomplish it. We need to take baby steps, and not think “all or nothing!” Sometimes I fall into the pit of giving up because I’m not doing what I should be or what I think I should be doing. I say don’t make resolutions! Take steps towards the goals or “resolutions” you want to accomplish. 

Let’s take exercise, maybe starting or exercising more is one of your goals, start by making small attainable steps towards that goal like walk this week, then next week walk twice, then after a while you can jog, and so on. We are all on the fast track, we have a want “it” now mindset, but taking steps towards a healthier life takes time, mostly because you have to break old habits.

I have come up with steps to take to become healthier this year. Steps that I believe will help in all aspects of life: Emotionally, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually, and they are steps I want to take (and improve on) to become healthier this year as well!

Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that by testing you may discern the will of God, which is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

1. Choose Whole Foods
If you are a reader here at Keeper of the Home, this is no secret to you! Whole Foods are the most nourishing foods you can give your body. I heard this quote somewhere, “If it’s natural eat it, if it’s not, stay away from it.” Our bodies were created to eat God food, not Man food. God foods are whole foods like: fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, whole grains, and healthy fats. Man foods are: overly processed “food” with ingredients you can’t read, with additives like msg, food dyes, artificial flavors and sweeteners, refined sugar and the list goes on.

For example, Kraft Mac & Cheese, McDonald’s chicken nuggets, Coke, or Cheetos among a kazillion other things are some man foods.

photo credit: Kath Eats Real Food

I’m not saying you should never eat… continue reading here.

Click here to read part 2! 

What steps are you taking toward a Healthier Life in 2012?

About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.


  1. This is great, Rachel! I look forward to seeing the other six. 🙂

  2. Thanks Stacy, will work on the make-up post sometime soon too!

  3. I read part 1 over at Keeper of the Home and enjoyed it very much – great post. It even inspired me to write one based on a rabbit trail I did while reading it (for next Saturday).

    Keep up the encouragement and inspiration for eating and living healthier!