How to Make Every Day Your Best Day

Written by Brandy, Contributing Writer

As a busy stay at home/homeschooling mom, I know what it’s like to jump out of bed and hit the ground running each day.  There often seems to be no end to the list of to-do’s.  Between the needs of our husbands and children, seemingly insurmountable piles of laundry, stacks of dirty dishes, bathtubs in need of scrubbing, carpets that need to be vacuumed, and food that needs to be cooked, it’s hard to think about trying to fit anything else in.

Trust me, I understand!

Whether it’s homeschooling, running errands, writing for my blogcleaning, baking bread, making homemade yogurt and homemade butter, or driving 2 hours to pick up raw milk, there is always something to take up my time.

It’s easy to feel like you simply MUST begin the day by tackling the long list of things that have to be done.  But let me tell you that no matter how hard you work, no matter how late you stay up or how early you rise, if you don’t begin your day with one simple thing, it will never be as productive as you desire.


What is that one thing, you might ask?  It doesn’t have anything to do with your home or your husband or your children.  But at the same time, it has everything to do with them.  The one thing that will ensure that every day is the best it can be is beginning each morning by spending time with the one who loves you more than anyone ever could – Your Heavenly Father!

But seek FIRST the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and ALL these things will be added unto you.  Matthew 6:33 (emphasis mine)

I know from experience that if I don’t spend time in His presence, I will not be the wife or mommy I want to be, I will not be as motivated to get things done, and most detrimentally, I will not be full of the love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, gentleness, meekness, and self control that my Father (and my family) desire from me.

So how do we spend time with God?  What does it look like?


Psalm 119:105 tells us that the word of God is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path.
We need the light of God’s word to illuminate our paths as we lead and teach our children.  We need His word to light each step we take so that we know we are walking according to His plan.  The Word of God is life to us, literally. 

Proverbs 4:22 says that the words of God are life to those who find them and health to all their flesh!  That is such a wonderfully powerful promise!  If we will commit ourselves to feasting on His word, life and health will be imparted into our spirits, souls, and bodies!  And that life, that health, is what we can then pour out into our homes, our husbands and our children.  What a gracious and loving God we serve, that He would provide for us such a treasure in His written word.


Prayer is such a misunderstood concept in America.  The traditions of man have made it into a religious obligation or, at best, something you do when you are in trouble.  The truth is, prayer is our lifeline.  It is our intimate, personal connection with the God of the universe!  Jesus gave His life to restore communication between God and man.  The power of His sacrifice tore the veil of separation, allowing us to enter into the Holy of Holies.  Because we have been made righteous by the blood of the lamb, we are now God’s children.  We can approach His throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16)And He will pour into us His love, His wisdom, and His anointing to do the things we are called to do.   

The bible also clearly tells us that those who belong to God hear His voice!  As we spend time talking to Him, He will speak to us as well, IF we will have ears to hear.  My sheep hear my voice; I know them, and they follow me.  (John 10:27)  The bible tells us that we DO hear His voice.  If we will believe that, God will speak to us and give us wisdom (James 1:5)As many decisions as we have to make for our families each day, we desperately need to hear the Father’s voice and to know we are walking in His ways.

Image by be formales


This is probably my most treasured way of spending time with my Lord.  I have been a worship leader off and on since I was in middle school and there is nothing more uplifting to me than spending time worshiping my God and Father.  Whether you sing or not, though, God has called all of us to a life of worship.  Psalm 100:4 says that we should enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise. 

My husband has always said that God made one creature who would praise Him because they wanted to – that’s us!  All the rest of creation declares the greatness of God at all times.  The bible says even the rocks cry out.  But WE have a choice.  We can choose to worship the Almighty God or we can worship whatever it is we are chasing at the moment. It is a far greater thing to give praise to the one true God and the reward for such a lifestyle is unfathomable!

I love to worship through song and some of my favorite artists include Jesus Culture, Kim Walker-Smith, Rita Springer, Rick Pino, and Kari Jobe.  I invite you to check them out.  I know that you will be blessed by their anointings, as I have been!  You are also welcome to worship with me on a “homemade” recording of myself singing worship songs that I made as a gift for my husband on our 1st anniversary.

Whether you choose to sing your praises, shout them, or just speak them is up to you.  But I encourage you to begin each day by thanking God for all He is and all He has done in your life.  It will change you, and therefore, change your children, your family, and the atmosphere of your home.


I hope that you will take what I have shared today to heart and put it into practice in your own life.  If you will spend time with your Creator, who loves you more than life, each day, the love and strength you receive from Him will be manifested all around you.  It really will change the atmosphere of your home, as well as your relationships with your husband, children, and all those you encounter.

Brandy’s mission is to share the message of health and wellness according the the Word of God and traditional wisdom. She is a homemaker, married to the love of her life since 2004 and a homeschooling mom to 2 amazing boys, ages 5 and 1. 

Join her at Living Water Health and Wellness and connect with her on Facebook or Twitter

About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.


  1. There are truths we know but always need to be reminded of – good word. Thanks!

  2. Great post, Brandy!

  3. Great thoughts, Brandy! Thank you for all these reminders that I KNOW I need everyday. All the other things seem so important at frist, but God wants us before those other things. Thank you!

    • You’re welcome Jenna! It is something I need to be reminded of every day! And it really does make a huge difference! 🙂 thanks for your encouragement!

  4. Great reminder. Thanks for the list of artist. I love to worship in the morning through song. I found some great ones at “Maximize your Mornings”. I’ll have to check out your faves too!

    Lindsey @

  5. Thank you. When there seems to be no time in the day, it is important to remember to do this! I appreciate this post.

    Happy Weekend!

  6. I SO needed this today – I guess I will have to have it for tomorrow. My little man gets up SO early – and with the health stuff going on I have rare moments of feeling well. This has made me very discouraged and unintentional – tomorrow is a NEW day to being again and put things into practice AGAIN!

  7. Thank you for this reminder! The days I get up early to meditate, pray and give thanks are by far my best days.