The Spiritual Food Fight

The Spiritual Food Fight | Written by Kathy @  Simple Clean Living, Contributing Writer

When we think about food, rarely do we tend to think of it in spiritual terms. We simply eat foods that we enjoy without giving it a second thought. But there is a clear connection between our spiritual walk and the food that we eat.  God created us to use food as fuel for our amazing bodies, and it is one of the few things in the world that we cannot live without, at least for extended periods of time.

Unfortunately, the enemy is very aware of the importance of food and is using it to undermine our spiritual walk and our relationship with Christ. The tactics that are used in this fight have been successful, and yet most people go through life completely unaware that they are even under attack!

How does food undermine our spiritual walk?

First, the food choices we make can make us physically weaker. Certain foods were created to provide our bodies with a host of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other vital nutrients. These nutrients give us the building blocks we need to sustain the healthy functioning of our bodies.  But these days, most western countries consume a large amount of highly packaged and processed foods and very little fresh, whole foods.

Most of these man made foods contain little to no nutrient content. Many are so processed that food manufacturers have to add in synthetic, chemical nutrients so that there is some nutritional value. Our body was not designed to use these man made nutrients and so we don’t benefit by consuming enriched products nearly as much as we do by eating whole foods.

By consuming a diet filled with a majority of these nutrient deficient foods, our bodies do not receive the essential nutrients required to function and repair themselves. As a result, we become malnourished. As our bodies become more and more deficient in vital nutrients we begin to experience chronic health issues and disease.  As a result, our relationship with Christ is damaged because our focus is shifted to the discomfort we experience daily as a result of chronic illness. It is simply too difficult to focus on our spiritual walk and our connection with Christ when experiencing continual pain, exhaustion and the other ravages of disease.

Just think about the last time you were sick and didn’t feel well. Was worship, prayer and nurturing your relationship with Christ a priority? Most likely not. When this happens, the enemy can get a foothold and make great strides in winning the spiritual battle.

When food becomes an idol

There is a second battle going on for many people, that is just as dangerous to their spiritual walk. For many, food has become an idol. This may seem like a bold statement, but let me ask you a question…how many people do you know that are addicted to at least one type of food or beverage?

For some it could be having to have that cup of coffee in the morning, for others it may be that lunchtime fast food or pizza for dinner, while for others it may be having to have that cake, candy or other sweet treat.  Many people are food addicted and don’t recognize the addiction. I know I certainly was.

Before our family made the switch to real, whole foods we were junk food aficionados! And as we removed all of the processed food, I noticed something interesting taking place. When we didn’t eat processed foods, the cravings for all of those foods went away. But if we ate even one snack or meal with those processed foods, the cravings came back with a vengeance! And once we were dealing with those cravings, it was very difficult to not give in and eat more. The cravings caused by processed foods are incredibly powerful.

When you have a food addiction, you think about that food regularly. You want it all the time and couldn’t imagine living without it. The addiction then becomes idolization. As food addicts, we make excuses all of the time so that we can eat more junk. Some of the addiction excuses that I’ve heard (and used) include:

  • “It’s tradition.”
  • “We only do it for the holidays, so it’s no big deal”
  • “It’s a reward”
  • “It’s a special treat”
  • “I’m just going to have one more, then I’m done”
  • “I’ll stop tomorrow”
  • “It’s not going to hurt just eating it once in awhile”
  • “People would be upset if we stopped providing this”
  • “I’m just going to have a bite/sip/piece”

There are a whole lot more excuses that we use, and every time we do, we are lying to ourselves, lying to others and making food our idol by putting it before God and not acknowledging the power that it has over us.  I think if you ask anyone who has used a “food excuse” they will admit that it’s not an intentional way to dishonor God, but as these man made, sugar, fat and chemical laden foods become more and more our focus, God is no longer the priority.

The enemy is doing his part by helping food companies to thrive. He’s doing what he can to make sure that reminders of these fake foods are everywhere. Just look at all of the advertising we are exposed to every day. There are constant reminders everywhere and the enemy takes great delight in this because he can see that it’s working!

Addiction and idolization is increasing to the point that these idolized foods are even prevalent in most Christian churches on a regular basis. And yet we are causing many of our brothers and sisters to fall to sin, by allowing these foods to be a regular part of fellowship and allowing ourselves to use excuses to justify including them in church functions. And as much as we may not want to admit it, the church has become one of the enemy’s easiest battles to win when it comes to food. Real whole foods |

We don’t have to lose the spiritual food fight! We can fight back with God’s help, and win! The first thing that we can do is to make the move back to real, God made foods. These foods were designed to nourish our bodies, unlike processed, fake, man made foods. God designed us, knows us intimately and knows what we need to survive and thrive. So returning to whole food can restore our health as well as reduce and even reverse chronic illness.

It is also not as easy to become addicted to whole, real foods. Notice that I didn’t say impossible….it’s just less likely. And if the enemy does attempt to use whole, God made foods to attack us, it is much easier to avoid problem foods because they are not hidden in a long list of ingredients.

What foods should I use?

When shopping in the grocery store, it is best to shop the outer perimeter of the store. That is where the fresh produce, fresh meats, eggs and dairy are located. It is best to use organic produce where you can to avoid pesticide exposure. It is also best to purchase grass fed, pasture raised meats and eggs and wild caught fish when you can affordably do so.

Cooking from scratch is an important habit to get into. You can control which ingredients you use and avoid hidden ingredients that can affect your health.

Most of all, when you eat the amazing foods that God has provided, do so with a sense of gratitude and praise for providing such great food to nourish our bodies. They do belong to Him after all! Eating with a spirit of joy and praise to God is the best defense that we have against the enemy in the spiritual food fight!

Do you think the food we eat effects our spiritual life?

About Kathy

Kathy lives in the beautiful, sunny town of Columbia SC with her hubby and two furry canine babies. She is a holistic health coach and Functional Diagnostic practitioner, who is passionate about helping others to restore their health by using the tools that God gave us to restore the body’s natural balance. She loves to talk with others about real food, natural health and homemade cleaning. When she isn’t blogging or working with clients, Kathy can be found helping out in the music ministry of her church or onstage performing in a local musical theater production. You can read more from Kathy at Simple Clean Living.You can also follow Kathy on Facebook and Pinterest.


  1. Many people just cannot afford organic food especially in winter. However, there is a way around it.

    An independent non-profit organization the Environmental Working Group conducted a research on what foods are the most and the least contaminated with pesticides. The results are 2 lists of foods: the Dirty Dozen with Plus category that contains the most contaminated foods that were recommended to buy organic and the Clean Fifteen that includes the least contaminated produce that can be purchased as non-organic.

    I’d like to share some tips and 2 infographics that you can use for your next vegetable and fruits shopping to reduce your pesticide exposure up to 80%:

  2. This is so well said, but I’d like to add one more way food becomes an idol that I have come to realize over my journey to provide healthy, real food to my family. The process of providing the best, the healthiest, the latest trend in whole foods concepts can, in itself, become an idol if we aren’t careful. IT can become our god, trusting IT and it’s benefits, sacrificing the family’s budget because we want to “do it right” and sacrificing our family relationships because we want to make it all from scratch. I still try to do these things and follow a real food way of getting my family, but I see in a better light now, that it is not good I trust for my family’s health, but God and God alone. Stretching myself so thin at the expense of my family relationships all to provide the best for my family proved to be an Idol for me. I’ m still working on finding that balance, without reverting back to the addictions and cravings connected to processed packages good, but thought that with mentioning…
    Thanks again for a great article.

  3. “feeding my family” not “getting my family” and it is not “good we trust” – meant to type “food” there… auto correct typos. My apologies.