Keeping in Touch with your School Aged Child


Written by KT @ One Organic Mama, Contributing Writer

Are you back in the groove of school yet?  Whether you homeschool or school outside the home I think it is important to keep in touch with the hearts of your school aged children! With dinner going and cleaning to do – especially if you have more than one child in school! I find that having a healthy snack (think fresh cut fruit, veggies, and nuts) and a notebook for each child, helps me to keep my afternoon routine in check! 

Here is what we do: 

For each child in school (or anyone who wants to be involved even by scribbling!) we have a composition book.  When they walk in the door from school they go and wash up and come back to the kitchen table (where I am typically preparing dinner in some form).  On the table is a snack and a notebook for each child with a pencil ready to go!  

I (during the day) write down some questions or thoughts for each child.  They eat their snack and respond.  I find that this does a few things: 

  • it calms everyone down a bit
  • lets me hear about things I might not get if I am verbally asking the questions
  • gives children an opportunity to share concerns with you
  • lets my children practice reading and writing to reinforce important skills
  • allows us to write notes back and forth to each other – which I find kiddos LOVE!! 

Some possible topics:

  • favorite part of the day
  • what did you do during special?
  • what kind things did you do for others today?
  • is there anything about school you want to share with me?

What’s your after school routine?  What questions might you ask your school aged child?

About KT

Kristin is a mom to two busy boys, a wife to a hardworking husband, and a high school teacher.  She also co-founded the non-profit organization, Kai's Village in memory of the sweetest, bravest two year old with the strongest mama in the world. She loves cooking with fresh local ingredients, gardening, creating fun lessons at home and at school, and sneaking take out with her husband after the kids are in bed. You can find her at One Organic Mama or on Facebook or at the closest Starbucks.