Set Yourself Up to Succeed

Written by Starla, Contributing Writer

On the heels of New Year’s come the New Year resolutions that we all make. 

Whatever the goals or resolutions: healthier way of eating, weight loss, financial goals, marriage goals and/or spiritual goals they all can be accomplished if we set ourselves up to succeed. 

I prayfully chose a word and a Bible verse to focus on throughout this year. 

Now that a theme word, goal or resolution has been chosen, what’s next? How do we make sure we are setting ourselves up to succeed? We do this by having a plan.  Setting Yourself Up to Succeed

Tips to set yourself up to succeed

1. Pray

Every morning spend time praying over your resolution. Seeking God about your goals will help you stay focused and aligned with God’s will for your life. Ask God to help you succeed! Just like Eliezer did in Psalm 145:18

2. Plan your day

Make the time to plan your day, week, month and year out. Write down your goals and the plans you have to accomplish. Thinking ahead will help you achieve your goals. For example, are you trying to eat healthier? Plan out and prepare what you will eat for the next day or week. Stock the fridge and pantry with healthy foods and snacks. Plan what exercises you will get done and when you will do them. 

3. Don’t procrastinate

Look at your goals and the plan you have set into place to help you achieve your goals. Now get on it! Do not procrastinate. If you’re trying to save money and pay off debt; don’t wait till the next paycheck or the next month to start on that stricter budget. Start today! Start now!

4. Get help

Bringing other people in your life that will encourage, motivate and hold you accountable while you are working on your resolutions is a huge help in succeeding. Accountability holds you responsible to your goals, plans and actions as you work on your resolutions.

5. Stay flexible

Bumps in the road happen to all of us. Be flexible enough in your plans by allowing bumps in the road to happen and not throw you off course. Be clear about your goals, but flexible in the process of achieving them. Remember life happens and that is OK. 

6. Stay positive

Stay positive about your goals and resolutions. Even if you have had a bad day, week or month; you can still bounce back, refocus and accomplish your goals. Stop those negative thoughts in their tracks. Philippians 4:8 reminds us of what God wants us to think about. 

What steps have you put in place to assure that you accomplish your goals? What are you doing to set yourself up to succeed? 

About Starla

Starla Jimenez is a homeschool mom of two kiddos and has been married for 15 years to the love of her life. Her goal is to encourage women in their walk with God. On her blog,, she shares about her life adventures, bible devotions and family fun. She volunteers as the Girls Ministry coordinator and helps, behind the scenes, with Women's Ministry at her local church. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 


  1. Great tips! I like to write out my goals for the week and check them off as I do them! Prayer is key, asking God to help is so Important! I hope you accomplish all your goals this year!

  2. Staying flexible requires a ton of self control for me. It’s my weakness.

    These are great tips though!

    Something for me to work towards!