Natural Labor And Delivery Plans

Written by Courtney @ A + Life (originally published in April of 2015) My Natural Birth Plans I don't have plans to take these to the hospital with me. I'm not going to be the girl who shows up with a bullet point, high lighted, step by step birth plan..... mostly because my plans are "hands off, please". But, that's easy enough to say, and not necessary to be printed out on a piece of paper. I remember when I got pregnant with my first daughter, Abigail. Even though it had taken us a … [Read more...]

5 Not Boring Documentaries & Books About Chemicals in Your Food, Clothes & Body

Written by Christine @ So Domestically Challenged, Contributing Writer I hate to admit it, but year's ago, I thought "organic" was just a marketing ploy.  I thought plastic bottles were all safe.  I fed my family convenience foods that came in a box.  I never gave any of it much thought.  But over the years, I've learned that there are a lot of dangerous chemicals and additives, even in things you wouldn't think would have any, and that avoiding them is hard! … [Read more...]

Understanding GMO’s and What They Mean To Us

Written by Kari @ Live on Purpose, Contributing Writer Wouldn't it be wonderful if eating healthy didn't have to be so complicated? I love talking to my grandmother, who is 83, and just listening to how different things were so many years ago. Do you know there was a day and time when people just ate. Yep - it was that simple. They grew gardens, they raised cattle, pigs, goats and sheep. They knew how to prolong their winter supply and utilize everything they had so it didn't go to waste. Many … [Read more...]

Whipped Naked Magnesium Butter

Written by Kari @ Living Strong Wellness, Contributing Writer  It seems these days that good, restful sleep is hard to come by. Not only with adults, but children as well. As this is not an exciting fact, it is a reality and I believe we have a wonderful variety of natural options to help us. For instance, there are herbal teas, essential oils, supplements and something I want to share with you today – magnesium butter. Ahhh, this stuff is amazing. Why do I love it so much? Because … [Read more...]

Dandelion: a Nutritious Healthful Weed

Written by Hillary, Contributing Writer The humble dandelion is often looked down upon for being a weed.  It is a weed, but a nutritious healthful weed.  By definition, a weed is a wild plant growing where it is not wanted; "a plant in the wrong place".  Many desirable, delicious, nutrient-dense plants are technically weeds.  Once you see the goodness, you will not snub the dandelion any longer. Dandelions - all parts except the stem - are full of vitamins, minerals … [Read more...]

Quiet Nights! Stop Snoring Naturally

  Written by Kari, Contributing Writer Sometimes certain subjects aren't exciting to talk about, but they affect our lives in more ways than we know. One of those is snoring. Yes, snoring and this is something that I have had to deal with in my 15 years of marriage. After 15 years of trying almost every way to eliminate this problem, it is FINALLY solved and we've had two months of snore-free nights. Now, I want to share with you how we got to this amazing place of peaceful and restful … [Read more...]

The Healthy Lifestyle I Have Chosen

Written by Imperfectly Pamela, Contributing Writer 9+ years ago I decided to treat myself better.  My food choices were crazy & fitness was, well, there was no fitness. I had also just had my 3rd child & knew there needed to be a change.  My oldest son had made a couple, very innocent comments about my weight. I started slowly with some walking dvd's (Leslie Sansone anyone?).  They were 20-30 minutes.  Totally doable with … [Read more...]

Protein Packed Nut Butter Bites

Written by Contributing Writer, Kari at Living Strong, Health & Wellness Snack time! Personally, I'm not a big "snacker". I can go meal to meal without needing any extra food to keep me going. Although, having a family, I need to have a plan on hand for our meals and snacks and then I need to make sure they are ready and available to eat! My kids, on the other hand, seem to need a snack every 30 minutes. I can understand why since they are on the go, non-stop, active kids. This can … [Read more...]

What It’s Like to Afford Fresh Organic Produce and How You Can Do It Too

Written by Reelika @ Financially Wise On Heels, Contributing Writer **Please meet Reelika, a new contributor... she would love to hear from you! -Rachel You are a great mommy. You want the best for your kids and family. It is the hope of many families to be able to provide organic veggies, fruits and berries to their family and especially to the kids. Unfortunately the downside of organic produce is the cost. But what if I told you there are ways that you can still provide the best … [Read more...]

Top 5 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural and healthy oil that has been utilized all the way throughout history by different cultures. People utilize it for a variety of completely different uses such as cooking and/or preparing wholesome dishes, beautifying and enhancing the complexion, and to attain health benefits. You've probably have heard a lot about it since it has become mainstream on health websites, blogs and you might have even seen it on pinterest, sharing its advantages. When you go … [Read more...]