Make Your Own Warming Rooibos Chai Tea Blend

Photo Credit Written by Kim, Contributing Writer Chai has become quite a popular drink and I imagine that most of the readers here are quite familiar with it. In case you aren't, however, chai is a traditional Indian beverage- essentially a spiced tea with lots of milk. The basic ingredients are black tea, a variety of spices, sweetener and lots of milk, of course. Our family tries to avoid caffeine, so we enjoy a variety of herbal teas plus naturally caffeine-free teas like rooibos and … [Read more...]

Sweet Potato Quinoa Stuffing (plus 2 more Recipes)

Written by Kelly, Contributing Writer The older I get, the faster the holidays come around each year!  My boys are eagerly counting down the days until their Grandma and Papa arrive here in Florida for Thanksgiving.  It is so sweet to see the wonder of the holidays through the eyes of our children. They, of course, are also looking forward to all the treats of the season while I am trying to sneak in healthy substitutions! Here are a few healthy side dishes for the family table this … [Read more...]

Organized Meal Planning Made Simple

Written by Kari, Contributing Writer Meal planning has never been one of my favorite activities. I remember when I got married almost 13 years ago the dread I faced every time I went to the grocery store. I never had a plan, I never knew what to get and I had no creativity. My husband was a trooper, because I sure didn’t woo him with my amazing skills in the kitchen. As time went on, I moved from the same ole repeated 5 meals to a broader menu, but I still despised the duty of planning meals … [Read more...]

Create Your Own Health Arsenal: Build A Strong Immune System & Treat Symptoms Naturally

Written by Kari, Contributing Writer This is a transitional time of year for almost everybody out there. School has started up again, summer is almost over and the cooler months are on the way. All of this means that we are going to have to pay more attention to keeping our immune systems strong so those ever present germs and bugs don’t have a chance to wreak havoc inside our bodies! Even healthy families and houses can experience the sniffles, coughing and that ‘yucky’ feeling, but do we … [Read more...]

Simplifying Meal Planning For the New School Year {and a Giveaway!}

Written by Kim, Contributing Writer If we’re honest with ourselves, SAD eating (eating the Standard American Diet of refined, processed, convenience foods) can be pretty easy and comfortable. Healthy eating, in contrast, can seem pretty overwhelming. Planning for three meals a day, from scratch, plus snacks, everyday! How’s a mom to manage it?! I encourage people to break it down. First of all, most families (healthy eaters or not) tend to stick to a limited number of recipes that they use … [Read more...]

3 Simple Methods to Save Money and Stop Wasting Food

Written by Kari, Contributing Writer Do you cringe when it comes to wasting food? I certainly do and it seems that in our society it’s not looked down upon like it used to be. There was a time when the only food a family had was what they grew on their land. Maybe small towns had a quaint little corner store that sold some food items - but they weren't like our Walmart Supercenters or Krogers. People valued food and I think we've lost that in this day and age of abundance, prepackaged foods … [Read more...]

Toasted Quinoa Porridge (Importance of a Healthy Breakfast)

Written by Kelly, Contributing Writer As summer wraps up and we prepare to head our kids back to school, we want to be sure to give them their best start. One very simple and important way to do that is by giving them a power packed breakfast each and every morning! In the rush to get everyone out the door, breakfast can easily be overlooked. But missing this very important meal of the day can set our children and ourselves up for failure. We are unable to concentrate and lack the … [Read more...]

How to Make a Green Smoothie

Written by Liz, Contributing Writer Leafy greens are an important part of a balanced diet. They are a strong source of vital nutrients including iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. They are especially important for women, because we are more susceptible to anemia and osteoporosis - diseases resulting from iron deficiency and calcium deficiency, respectively. The USDA recommends we all get at least 3 cups of leafy greens per week...and I don't know about you, but they … [Read more...]

Baby Steps towards Better Health (plus salad tips!)

Written by Kim, Contributing Writer You may have in mind a whole list of wonderful healthful habits you’d like to incorporate into your lifestyle. We all know, however, that the steps between good intentions and practical application can seem arduously uphill. I always encourage folks to start with small, “do-able” goals. For instance, if you’re new to healthy eating, you might simply strive to choose a fruit over an otherwise poor snack selection. Or maybe you want to eat salads regularly. … [Read more...]

The Easiest Way to Freeze Blueberries

Written by Kristen, Contributing Writer It's Blueberry Season! It's hard to beat fresh, seasonal berries, especially when you have access to local fruits that you can even pick yourself. The flavor can't be beat! They are so sweet, so tasty, and sadly, so temporary. Berries aren't known to have a long shelf-life! One of my favorite things to do in July is to buy blueberries in bulk from a local farm market. They aren't grown there, so these berries aren't quite as fresh as the you-pick … [Read more...]