25 Uses for Tea Tree Oil


I hope you’ll join me over at Keeper of the Home where we’re talking about an essential oil that you’ve probably heard of before or have even seen in recipes for homemade cleaners: tea tree oil. 

Tea tree has such a diversity of usefulness that’s both practical and convenient that you’ll never want to live without it again! And the good news is that it is very inexpensive in comparison to other essential oils.


What is Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil, also known as Melaleuca alternifoliais, is an essential oil that has been around for quite a while but not until the past decade has its healing benefits been catching on like wildfire. The oil is extracted from a plant native to Australia and cannot be found naturally occurring elsewhere. Tea tree oil should NEVER be ingested and is only to be used as a topical remedy.

What are the healing benefits of Tea Tree Oil?

Tea tree oil is a “jack of all trades” as far as remedies go. The easiest way to grasp the benefits is to think: skin issues + tea tree oil = healing (in most cases). Tea tree oil is known for its… click here to read about 25 different ways to use tea tree oil, the most versatile substance that can help anything from soothing a burn to removing ticks to freshening your house!

What is your favorite way to use tea tree oil?

Happy Earth Day! Don’t wait to enter the great GIVEAWAY going on right now! 

About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.