Sharing your story sometimes can be hard, sometimes it can be difficult but did you know it can be healing? Most of us will go through some pretty tough times at some point in our lives. Before I shared my story, I didn’t realize the power and healing it would have. Your story, my story is a gift from God to draw others to Jesus. God is writing a GREAT masterpiece.. He is writing the stories of our lives! And we are all currently walking through different chapters and different … [Read more...]
Venting To Well Meaning Friends
Written by Starla, Contributing Writer It's important to seek God first in all we do. I enjoy the fact that God gives us best friends, because there is nothing better than a girls day out luncheon. Time alone with my best friend, lunch and hot tea. They are far and few between, so I cherish each of those moments. It's a time to talk, laugh and encourage one another. During my daily bible reading and prayer time this morning, I was brought to Psalm 19:14. "Let the words of my mouth … [Read more...]
5 Random Acts of Kindness: Plus Free Printable
Written by Starla, Contributing Writer This year's Random Acts of Kindness Day falls on February 17, 2016. Doing acts of kindness make us feel good about ourselves. The person on the receiving end of our kindness gets extra love that day. There is just something that makes our hearts lighter knowing we put a smile on someones face - even just for a moment. My family has this great list of things we do in honor of Random Acts of Kindness day. Random Acts Of … [Read more...]
4 Ways To Celebrate Jesus This Christmas
Written by Courtney @ A + Life, Contributing Writer December always has a way of sneaking up on us, doesn't it? I know for our family, with homeschooling, November birthdays, and Thanksgiving, before you know it- December is here! And if we aren't careful, it can be really easy to get swept up into the massive consumerism of the holiday season and completely miss out on the opportunity to share with our girls the REAL reason we celebrate in the first place. Jesus, of course! So here … [Read more...]
Five Gift Christmas {Plus a Free Printable}
This is a new tradition we are starting this year. Over the years we have spent too much money and too much time late at night, the night before Christmas Eve or Christmas wrapping numerous gifts. It's not like all of them were toys; items often included lots of things like clothes, socks, underwear or others but I feel like it was getting in the way of what the season is really all about. Plus the regular ole items (undies, socks, etc.) our children need anyhow could just … [Read more...]
Being A Blessing to Others
Written by Christine @ So Domestically Challenged, Contributing Writer Tis the season! Thanksgiving is just four days away and the season of caring has begun. this is the time of year that we not only think about giving gifts to people we appreciate, but also the time when performing acts of kindness come back into our consciousness. Hebrews 13:16 says "And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased." In the spirit of this scripture, … [Read more...]
Counting your blessings when there seem to be none
Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer It’s the season of thankfulness and this is one of my favorite times of year. Thanksgiving seems to be the one holiday focused solely on what we already have and not what we want. But if you’re walking through a particularly difficult season of life, counting blessings might be the furthest thing on your mind. But this is when you need to count them the most. Let me tell you a story. Five years ago my husband and I faced one … [Read more...]
Our Must Have Homeschool Supplies
Written by Courtney @ A + Life, Contributing Writer Last year was our very first year homeschooling our oldest daughter, Abigail. While, both my husband and I were homeschooled growing up, going from homeschool student to homeschool parent and teacher can be kind of overwhelming! We tested the waters of homeschool pre-k and absolutely loved it. So, this September, we officially started homeschool Kindergarten! Or, Spena School, as we call it. We have been at it for almost two months now, … [Read more...]
Ways to Immerse Your Life in Scripture.
Written by Starla @ Pressing In and Pressing On, Contributing Writer I see a common dilemma among Christians. When I get together with my friends for coffee and play dates, the conversation almost always will hit on our relationship with God and prayer life. The dilemma being that as moms we are so busy and we struggle to have the time to spend in God's word. I have gotten creative in saturating my life with scripture. You do not have to set out an hour of your time to read the bible. I'm … [Read more...]
What To Do When You Pretty Much Blow It With Your Children
Written by Karen @To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer It was one of those Friday afternoons. School should have been finished early on that day. We worked hard all week to plan it that way - and that would have pleased me. But, one distraction after another, and there we were, wrapping things up at nearly 4:00. Those days happen. The swirling list of what I had hoped to accomplish during that "extra" afternoon was crashing hard against the clock and the … [Read more...]
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