School’s out and that means lattes at the pool, quietly reading your book and the house stays perfectly clean right?? RIGHT! We all wish!
Since our routines are a bit different now, I find my kids thrive on having a checklist. This checklist has all kinds of things to do in order to get screen-time. If I didn’t have this type of checklist, we’d all be tempted to just be couch potatoes and have a REALLY lazy summer. And while those times are ok once-in-a-while, this helps so we don’t get too lazy.
I’ve created summer screen-time checklist for big kids (those who can read) and littles (non-readers). Once our kids complete their checklists, I initial it and they’re free to have some screen time! We have allotted a certain amount for our kids. You can set the limit for your kids.
You can find these printables here:
If you’d like to know how to edit this to add in your child’s name, feel free to watch this video. I use picmonkey and love how easy it makes to add editing to any thing or even to create my own.
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