Venting To Well Meaning Friends

Written by Starla, Contributing Writer

It’s important to seek God first in all we do. I enjoy the fact that God gives us best friends, because there is nothing better than a girls day out luncheon. Time alone with my best friend, lunch and hot tea. They are far and few between, so I cherish each of those moments. It’s a time to talk, laugh and encourage one another. 

During my daily bible reading and prayer time this morning, I was brought to Psalm 19:14.

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” Psalm 19:14

Now, I’ve read this passage numerous times over, but this time God let in hang heavy on my heart. 

Venting To Well Meaning Friends

Venting to well meaning friends. Our words and thoughts should be pleasing to God.

I was enjoying my rare girl’s day out luncheon and the conversation we were having. But the lightheartedness turned into more of a heartache and consoling talk. My friend was hurt and frustrated with a family member and was seeking validation and advice on her feelings. 

There is a fine line between gossip and seeking counsel, that we all must be aware of as Christians. God does want us to control our thoughts. In Philippians 4:8, the bible tells us what God expects us to think on. When we let negative thoughts run loose like wild horses in our mind, then we are not following God’s command. 

On top of controlling our thoughts, we are not to be controlled by our feelings. God wants to be first in our lives. We need to bring to Him all that lays heavy on our hearts before we share with others. God comes before our husband, children, family and best friends. 

I whole heartily believe that God will perfectly orchestrate women to come into our lives to be there for us and encourage us in our walk with God. We can turn to each other, to pray for each other and be there in hard times and good times. But first – unquestionable- God must come first. 

Seek God first When You Are Frustrated

When I’m frustrated, hurt, confused, mad or about to throw my hands in the air and give up; I need to turn to God first. I have noticed, more times than I’d like to admit, that I’ve sought out christian friends, music and podcasts for help and encouragement, when walking through a dark time in life. How on earth did I get to a point where I am seeking out everything else before I seek God? He created everything! 

And here I am, with Psalm 19:14 laying heavy on my heart. It should be our prayer everyday. That the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart be acceptable to Him. We need to be so grounded in our relationship with God, confident in who He is and who we are in Him. 

So I’m sharing my heavy heart with you today to encourage you. God cares for you and your pain, however, He also cares for the person that frustrates you. Pray first. Pray God will help you through this. Pray for the person that has hurt you. Then if you still needing prayers from your husband or friend, go talk to them. Just make sure your thoughts and words are pleasing to God and that your friend will always point you back to Christ and what the bible says. 

Much Love, 

Starla J. 

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About Starla

Starla Jimenez is a homeschool mom of two kiddos and has been married for 15 years to the love of her life. Her goal is to encourage women in their walk with God. On her blog,, she shares about her life adventures, bible devotions and family fun. She volunteers as the Girls Ministry coordinator and helps, behind the scenes, with Women's Ministry at her local church. You can follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.