All Shook Up: Fun Homemade Whipped Cream


Written by KT @ One Organic Mama, Contributing Writer

I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge fan of sugaring up the kids with whipped cream and candy – BUT – this was fun, they had to work for their whipped cream 🙂 AND it was super easy.  

When I was in my last few weeks of pregnancy, a few months ago and getting outside with the kids for physical activity has been a challenge! It is easy to send them outside – but they like when they have a task or when I am out there with them 🙂 this was a super fun task – and they got to enjoy their hard work!!! 

Mason Jar Whipped Cream

  • 1 mason jar with a lid
  • 2-3 TBS of (organic) whipping cream
  • TINY sprinkle of (organic, raw) sugar *or stevia
  • TINY drop of vanilla extract

I sent the boys to the yard to run and shake their jars… expending any energy that could possibly be gained with the sugar in the whipped cream.  They had a blast!! It might take some adult shaking – but all the kids got their jars pretty close 🙂 and ready to be put on some FRESH strawberries that are just coming into season!  

It made a great addition to our movie night on Friday!!   Because their little hands are warm, and because they are going to have to shake it longer than an adult would (or a mixer would) – chill the cream and jars well (I put both in the freezer).

What’s the best thing you’ve made in a mason jar? 

About KT

Kristin is a mom to two busy boys, a wife to a hardworking husband, and a high school teacher.  She also co-founded the non-profit organization, Kai's Village in memory of the sweetest, bravest two year old with the strongest mama in the world. She loves cooking with fresh local ingredients, gardening, creating fun lessons at home and at school, and sneaking take out with her husband after the kids are in bed. You can find her at One Organic Mama or on Facebook or at the closest Starbucks.