3 Things To Do When Spring Fever Hits

Written by Janet @ Frugal & Focused, Contributing Writer

Spring is still a few weeks away but spring fever has already hit at my house. I am ready for blue skies, green grass, colorful flowers, lots of sunshine, and time outdoors.

3 Things To Do When Spring Fever Hits

Here in Florida, we’ve already enjoyed some really nice spring-like days that have me itching to get on with it. I’ve taken long walks in the neighborhood and strolled around my yard making plans.

Whether you’re already getting a taste of spring or it still feels like the dead of winter where you live, here are 3 things to do when spring fever hits.

Freshen Up You Décor

spring fever - freshen up your decor

Get ready for spring by freshening up your décor.  If you have some early blooming flowers or flowering plants, cut some and bring them inside for a nice bouquet. If not, head to the store and pick up an inexpensive bouquet of daisies, tulips, or mixed flowers. They’ll add a fun, fresh burst of color to a table, mantel, or window sill.

Shop your house and see if you can swap out pillows, throws, or other décor for those with a more spring-like color scheme. Don’t have anything around the house you can use? Give these No Sew Napkin Pillow Covers a try and freshen up your existing throw pillows.

You can also add a new printable like this free spring printable featuring Psalm 100:1 to a side table or mantel.

Plan and Prep Your Garden

spring fever - plan and prep garden

This is a great time to begin planning your vegetable and/or flower garden and starting the prep work. If you don’t have an existing garden choose your spot.

Grab a notebook and decide what you’ll be planting this year and make a list of what you’ll need. Get rid of any weeds and start preparing the soil.


spring fever - decutter

Get a head start on spring cleaning and begin decluttering now. Grab a box or tub and as you go through your week toss in any items you come across that you know you no longer need or want. Set aside some time each day or each week to go through drawers, closets, cabinets, and the pantry to see what you can toss.

Getting the clutter out of the way will make your spring cleaning tasks go much easier.

If spring fever hits, take advantage of the motivation and get a head start on spring.

Do you have Spring Fever? What are you doing to welcome spring?