Raising Healthy Families {3 Simple Steps}

Written by Dr. Jake, Ask Dr. Jake Contributor Now that we are into our thirties and most of our friends, family and patients have children under the age of twelve, we have began to recognize that most folks don't understand the most important principle of life besides loving the Lord, it's your health. There are some very simple, lateral changes that you can make with your lifestyle that will reap untold benefits with your health. Here are 3 simple steps to keep your family healthy … [Read more...]

Mom-Friendly Exercise Ideas

Written by Jenn @ A Simple Haven, Contributing Writer Last fall, not taking great care of myself finally caught up with me: I was exhausted, stressed, sick more often than usual, and emotionally all over the place. After catching what I’m pretty sure was shingles, I finally went to my doc, who asked some basic questions: Was I getting enough sleep? Exercise? Water? Um, not so much. Except the water. Thanks to what I lovingly refer to as “my sippy,” I excel in hydration. She ran … [Read more...]

Post Holiday Health Recovery

Written by Nell @ Whole Parenting Family, Contributing Writer When you've sugared out, and your kiddos have too, it's time to detox before New Years so you can get a smooth start on your resolutions to eat less sugar, and work out more. Wait, that's your plan too?? Who doesn't have that resolve (at least til February)? Maybe you can put this off til after New Years, if you're going to be at home on vacation, eating those leftover cookies. First and foremost, let's address our food … [Read more...]