DIY Kids’ Art Display

Written by Lisa @ This Pilgrim Life, Contributing Writer A couple of years ago, my oldest child started doing art projects and I found myself needing a place to be able to display his work. I have strong aversions to clutter and I was hoping to figure out a way to display our kids' work that would keep our home looking tidy. Just as important, I wanted our kids to know that we valued their work and enjoyed being able to show it off.  Soon after, I was perusing the aisles of … [Read more...]

5 Homeschool Tips for Wiggly Kids

Written by Contributing Writer, Kelly @ Eyes On The Source Here we are half-way through the school year.  Cooler weather can make the days seem longer as the kids can't always get outside to run off their excessive amounts of energy.  The excitement of the new homeschool year has worn off by now and we're all ready for something new in the New Year! After a couple weeks off from school and many routine busting holiday events, late nights and cookies's been hard to get … [Read more...]

12 Days of Christmas {Day 2: dōTERRA Essential Oil}

Today is the 2nd day of the 12 days of Christmas Reviews & Giveaways 2014! Written by Lisa from This Pilgrim Life, Contributing Writer  On the 2nd day of Christmas, day2day joys gave to me... A high-quality essential oil blend from dōTERRA perfect for fighting the sore throats, runny noses and congestion that come with the chill of winter days. This oil blend smells great and helps to quickly relieve respiratory discomfort.   dōTERRA is a well-known essential … [Read more...]

Thankful {A Printable for Giving Thanks}

Can you believe Thanksgiving is less than a week away?  This has been the fastest year yet! By now, we all have already been thinking and planning our thanksgiving day, we're getting excited (well, at least I am)about the parade, we've talked about pilgrims and Indians, the guys are getting ready for the football games, soon to gather together with friends and family and to give thanks!   And we ALL have so much to be thankful for! For me, beyond all … [Read more...]

Moms, make time for yourself

Written by Christy @ Fresh Mix Momma, *NEW* Contributing Writer Okay, fess many moms out there lost themselves after they had kids? It’s a common thing that happens to many of us (especially stay at home mommies.) We are tried & exhausted from taking care of the house, work and the kids..we certainly don’t have time to do anything for ourselves! I know..I get it, we’ve all had our “I just want to stay in my yoga pants and not shower” days. but it’s time to stand up and … [Read more...]

Felt Fall Banner

Written by Lisa @ This Pilgrim Life, *NEW* Contributing Writer Every year we decorate the mantle for Fall. And every year the routine is basically the same. Pull off current decor. Pull out boxed Fall decor. Turn on Christmas music (I know, I know. But this year I have a good reason). Try to find an arrangement of things we already have on hand or have acquired cheaply that suits our simple, clean style. Send pictures to my best friend for a second opinion. Because she is a … [Read more...]

Immune Strengthening Herbal Tea Blend

Written by Contributing Writer, Kari @ Living Strong Wellness  Now that summer break is winding down and kids are heading back to school – we need to start becoming more proactive with our children’s health. Don’t get me wrong, we should be proactive year round, but during the summer we’re outside more getting fresh air, we’re getting loaded with Vitamin D, getting more sleep and getting more exercise. With school back in session, our children are sitting in air conditioned schools, … [Read more...]

Reinventing the Cold Lunch

Written by Kari, Contributing Writer With school starting soon and routines getting back in order, if your child attends school, packing a lunch is a part of that routine. I’m not sure about where you live, but the choices for ‘hot lunch’ are not acceptable at my daughter’s school, so everyday is a ‘cold lunch’ day. I understand the convenience of your child eating hot lunch at school, but the overall consequences are nothing short of disastrous. {photo credit} And no, I’m not … [Read more...]

7 Summer Activities to Strengthen Your Family and Improve Your Health

Written by Contributing Writer, Kari at Living Strong, Health & Wellness With summer just right around the corner, it’s finally time to step outside and begin enjoying the beautiful sunshine and warm weather again. Living in Colorado means we get over 300 days of sunshine, but not all those days are warm. This makes summer a much anticipated season in our home. What are some fun and exciting activities that you and your family can participate in that will allow you to make memories and … [Read more...]

Creating Simple Outdoor Spaces for Kids

Written by Jenn @ A Simple Haven, Contributing Writer Here in my Midwestern farm town, it’s only Spring according to the calendar. Go outside and you’re confronted by cold, rain, and 45mph winds that supposedly bring warm air up from the south but have yet to bring me anything except damage to my front porch accessories. But I can see my bulbs poking through and so I trust that someday, spring will come in all of its glory. Until then, I sit in my cozy living room, pinning pictures of … [Read more...]