Our Homeschool Curriculum for 2016-2017

Hey Everyone, I have missed you! I have been in a hiatus. Shortly after my 4th baby was born back in January, we began feeling a tug on our hearts toward full-time homeschooling. So that's where I've been... Praying. researching, Youtube watching, reading and learning all I could about homeschooling. Could I, can I, REALLY do it?  If you've read any of my homeschool posts, you know we take time to reevaluate each year. So this year we have made a decision to homeschool without … [Read more...]

Leading Little Ones To Love God’s Word

Written by Contributing Writer, Kelly @ Eyes On The Source In a recent series at church, our pastor taught on the greatest gift we can bestow upon our children..."The Blessing."  He spoke on ways to work through things we may or may have not received from our parents and how to bless our own children.  Simple really, but sometimes the words may not come as easily as they should.  What our children really need to hear is that we LOVE them and that we are PROUD of them.  No. matter. what.  And … [Read more...]