How a morning routine saved my sanity

  Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer I don’t know if you’ve heard this quote “mom sets the tone.” I see it on Pinterest all the time and to be completely honest the first few times I saw it I rolled my eyes. The tone in my house is loud, messy and harried. I feel like I am rushing my kids through the day while carrying this knot between my shoulders. Then one day it hit me, mom sets the tone. It really is true. By the time nap timed rolled around I … [Read more...]

The Succesful Transition from Summer to School

Written by Kari, Contributing Writer Getting ready for the new school year means many things in our home. Our sleep schedule has to change, our chores change, we supplement differently and we have to ease back into a daily routine. Summer offers such freedom and opportunity to be laid back and relaxed. The kids can sleep in if they want (although mom keeps her 5:30am wake up time), we don't have to eat breakfast right away, we can chill inside during the afternoon heat and watch a … [Read more...]