What About Your Spring Garden?

Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer What about your spring garden? Even though it's still cold outside, it's not too early to think about and start planning! Starting now gives you a fun distraction from the chilly temperatures, lays the foundation for a more successful garden, and can save you a lot of money. Let's Get Distracted: I'm sure there are those who adore winter. I am not one of those people. While I'm grateful we have seasons and there are … [Read more...]

Avoid Cabin Fever This Winter With These Fun Family Activities

Written by Janet @ Frugal & Focused, Contributing Writer I'm not a cold weather person. If possible, I would hibernate all winter long. That's not very realistic though so I've learned that you have to make the most of it. If you have kids, especially little ones, things can get a bit hairy and cabin fever can set in if you limit activities due to the cold weather. You may have to get a bit more creative than you do in the summer but there are plenty of fun family activities … [Read more...]

5 Not Boring Documentaries & Books About Chemicals in Your Food, Clothes & Body

Written by Christine @ So Domestically Challenged, Contributing Writer I hate to admit it, but year's ago, I thought "organic" was just a marketing ploy.  I thought plastic bottles were all safe.  I fed my family convenience foods that came in a box.  I never gave any of it much thought.  But over the years, I've learned that there are a lot of dangerous chemicals and additives, even in things you wouldn't think would have any, and that avoiding them is hard! … [Read more...]

How to be less busy

Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer Do you ever feel like you’re long on to do and short on time? I have spent so many months, years even, feeling that way. It wasn’t until recently that I came to fully understand the amount of control I actually did have over my time and how I spent it. In fact, it seems like that is one of the things that I do have near-complete control over. Sure, I have small children and a husband, a business, and obligations. There is a … [Read more...]

Need A Better Attitude This Winter? Try This!

Written by Lisa @ This Pilgrim Life, Contributing Writer  The same thing happens every year. The temperature start to dip. The wind changes from a refreshing breeze to a biting chill. Enter more gray skies. Less color. Less sunshine. More grump. At first, it's fun to break out the sweaters, the scarves, and the boots. We are ready for a change and welcome the seasonal shift without much complaining. But after the holidays, when January and February come, you are likely dealing with … [Read more...]

Understanding GMO’s and What They Mean To Us

Written by Kari @ Live on Purpose, Contributing Writer Wouldn't it be wonderful if eating healthy didn't have to be so complicated? I love talking to my grandmother, who is 83, and just listening to how different things were so many years ago. Do you know there was a day and time when people just ate. Yep - it was that simple. They grew gardens, they raised cattle, pigs, goats and sheep. They knew how to prolong their winter supply and utilize everything they had so it didn't go to waste. Many … [Read more...]

Set Yourself Up to Succeed

Written by Starla, Contributing Writer On the heels of New Year's come the New Year resolutions that we all make.  Whatever the goals or resolutions: healthier way of eating, weight loss, financial goals, marriage goals and/or spiritual goals they all can be accomplished if we set ourselves up to succeed.  I prayfully chose a word and a Bible verse to focus on throughout this year.  Now that a theme word, goal or resolution has been chosen, what's next? How do we … [Read more...]

10 Tips for Setting Goals this New Year

Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer Setting Goals is probably practiced in January more than in any other month of the year. It's a new beginning, and with it, we usually want to make positive changes in our lives and homes. That's a good thing! But, as with most things, setting goals is a learning process. Since I began setting goals, I've had some successes, some bumps, and some downright failures.  Here are 10 tips I've learned for setting goals for the … [Read more...]

5 Realistic, Tried & True Ways to Improve Happiness

Written by Christine @ So Domestically Challenged, Contributing Writer Happiness seems such a difficult thing sometimes.  I have a devoted husband, loving and successful children, a beautiful home and the kind of life I always thought would be out of my grasp.  Yet some days, the failures of my life play over and over like a movie reel, reminding me of unforgivable shortcomings and casting a shadow of fear across my future. The thing is, I'm human: a flawed, imperfect human … [Read more...]

Fun Ways To Celebrate New Year’s Eve With Your Kids

Written by Janet @ Frugal & Focused, Contributing Writer When your kids are really little, they happily go to bed at their regular bedtimes on New Year's Eve. Umm, okay, maybe not happily but they're still oblivious to the idea of staying up until midnight to welcome in the New Year. At some point though, they will want to stay up. In fact, they might even beg to stay up until midnight. Perhaps you are like me and are at the point where you'd prefer to let the new year arrive … [Read more...]