10 Fresh Ideas to Celebrate Spring

Written by Jenna, Contributing Writer

Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love! -Sitting Bull

I must admit that summer is my favorite season of the year. The smell of grass, afternoons at the pool, lemonade and the Fourth of July, does it get any better than that?

Spring where I live is usually very wet, sometimes rather cold and dreary… so for me, it takes some effort to enjoy. But this year, I’m going to resist the urge to “wish” for other things and embrace this season that God has given us, once again. 

Photo credit: LazyLightningArt

Here is a list of fun ways to enjoy spring before it’s gone.

  1. Hit the zoo. I don’t care how old you are there is just something so amazing about seeing wild animals up close. Spring is a great time to go too before the dog days set in!
  2. Fly a kite. Typically, spring is the best time to fly kites due to the change in temperatures which bring higher winds. Learn the art of kite flying here.
  3. Tour your own city. When was the last time your visited your local art or children’s museum, it’s famous landmarks or ate at your town’s famous eatery? With the rising prices in gas, don’t count your city out on something fun to do or see this spring.
  4. Love our planet on Earth Day, April 22. There is always something we can all do to make our planet a better place to live… even the little things count. Here is a list of things to do on Earth Day, why not chose to do at least one?
  5. Start a garden. There are so many innovative ways to grow food these days and with the help of the internet or Pinterest, anyone can do it. Have your kids help you pick out their favorite foods from seeds (like these fun packs for kids) and start your garden this spring. Here are additional links to help you get started. (Starting from seeds here; things you can grow in pots here; growing a vegetable & herb garden here and here; DIY upside down tomatoes instructions here).
  6. Do something creative. Right-brained people are more creative than left-brained people. I am definitely NOT right-brained. It is always good to exercise the different parts of your brain and finding a new craft or project is definitely a good option. Why not check out the “DIY” page on Pinterest to see if there’s something creative you can do? My favorites are DIY: sidewalk chalk, heating pad, ribbon wreath, and salt scrub.
  7. Visit yard sales. Repurposing is the new buzz word these days. Just because someone is done with something doesn’t mean you can’t use it. Plus I love being in my community and getting to know my neighbors.
  8. Read. You know there are some days in spring that it will be wet and chilly. So stay in and be prepared with a good book and read. Here is a list of great Christian books… a few I have waiting on my shelf and many I am anxious to get to.
  9. Start visiting your local farmer’s markets. It is very early in the season, but many start as early as May. Check out Local Harvest to find some near you.
  10. Have fun on Cinco de Mayo. One year while we were homeschooling we studied a country for a week then ate a meal that represented that place. I believe it is always a good thing to learn about other cultures, their customs, foods and traditions. Here is a fun website to celebrate May 5th by doing crafts or activities with your kids or here for some delicious Mexican recipes.
Spring is here. Although I’m anxious for those long summer days ahead, for now I will find peace and joy in the newness of spring.

Jenna is a happy wife to Brian and a full-time mom to 4 boys. She is a follower of Christ, a researcher and an aspiring blogger, foodie and lover of all things healthy.

Join her at Wholesome Bits and connect with her on Facebook.

*Linked to: Women Living Well, Homemaking Linkup, Traditional Tuesdays, Titus 2sdays, Works for Me, Simple Lives Thursday, Encourage One Another

About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.


  1. Spring is my favorite time of year. Summer is too hot for me. Thanks for the great ideas in this post – I do want to get my kids to the zoo before the weather gets too hot!

  2. #5 – I planted tomatoes, sweet basil and red peppers in paint buckets on my front porch! So excited to see a little tomato flower budding!!!

  3. Wonderful post, Jenna! I’m remembering back to when we lived in a bigger town and took our firstborn to the zoo almost every week! And we found a kite stuck up in a tree in our yard yesterday…maybe I need to get one for us now! 😉

  4. These are such sweet ideas! I definitely want to tour our city and do something creative. Thanks:)

    Carly @ ryandcar.blogspot.com

  5. Anonymous says:

    What a great idea to get to the zoo before it gets too hot. I also love spring flowers.
