Dealing with a Health Crisis

Written by Dr. Jake, Contributing Writer

I am going to be very transparent here. I feel it is rare to truly have a physician be totally available and as transparent as possible on their experiences as a doctor and patient, or even as a friend watching people go down the wrong pathway with their health.

We are on mission to save and change lives and there is no time for blinders, shades or whatever you use to hide the truth about where health and healing come from.

If you have ever known someone with ear ringing, dizziness/vertigo and/or hearing loss it could be Meniere’s Disease. Personally having battled back from this horrifying experience, I am completely compassionate upon someone going through it.

In the spring of 2008, I thought I was this awesome mountain biker, tackling trails and starting get pretty fluid going off-road. After getting out of class, I rushed home to get Rachel and we decided to take a stroll on the new mountain bikes we got. We were strictly on the main road then I decided to be awesome, like I thought I was, and go down a huge embankment with ruts at the bottom. As soon as I hit the rut, flipped over the handle bars and landed on my shoulder. I couldn’t move my arm for a week. No breaks thankfully but I was definitely beat up.

Two weeks later, I went to the dentist to have a root canal. My tooth had chipped and the amalgam filling in the tooth had broken also. After leaving the dentist, I went home numb and went to sleep early. The next day, we woke up and headed out to an event that school was having outdoors. As soon as I stepped out of the car, I felt my head wobble and then felt the need to lean on the car. So Dizzy. I went home and laid down. This has never happened before, never in my life had I been so dizzy. It felt like I was continually turning my head to the left even though my head was straight. Then I threw up. All I could think was, what is happening to me? I called the dentist and told them I was sick and they told me that I had taken too much of the pain medication for the post-surgery pain. I replied “ I haven’t taken any of that stuff”. I didn’t even pick it up at the pharmacy. I hang up the phone and started to throw up again.

The next day, I was 50% better but in no way was I better. 50% means I could hold my head up without throwing up. I noticed my ear felt full and over the next few days, my right ear began to hummmmm. Then a more high pitched noise came. It was annoying but I could deal with this. The nausea had faded but I felt like I was consistently in a brain fog, always felt warm and swimmy headed. I continued to try to ignore the problem and then after a few weeks it happened again. I came home from school earlier feeling like I was running a fever. Then the vertigo and throwing up began. I noticed that before I got sick, my ear started ringing so loud that it drowned out everything around me.

Six months went by with no change, continually swimmy headed and now I was researching. All I was finding was problems with inner ear, nerve problems and cancers. I decided to go to an ENT. Maybe this would help. He did multiple tests and although I had no hearing loss, He labeled it Meniere’s Disease. He told me to take some supplements, which I did, to dampen the noise and increase circulation in the ear. I noticed that if I didn’t take the pills though, there was no help. And even though, these were supplements, I felt like I was still just covering up the symptom. I was beginning to think the worst: Brain Tumor. I couldn’t handle even the slightest vibration, even the tap of someone’s pencil on a table made me nauseous. Loud noises were awful.

I started researching the spine next. Seeing how the nervous system is so connected with help, I decided to spend the next few weeks in the library and I came upon something from the early 1970’s. It was work from Clarence Gonstead pointing to the 1st and 2nd vertebrae in the neck. The research looked very conclusive. There were stories about miracles, I wanted to be one.

At some point, I cant remember the day. I had a friend, who specializes in upper cervical (upper neck) care reach out to me. He said “You look like crap”. “I feel like crap, somethings not right Lee”. He knew I had been going through this as did many of my friends. He simply told me to go get on a table, let him check my spine and see what happens. The first adjustment, made me sick. I couldn’t handle vibration or drop of the table. A few days later, round 2. I laid on the table, he gave a specific adjustment to my 2ndcervical vertebra. I instantly flushed and felt like I was on fire. No throwing up this time. Over the next few weeks, I continued to get adjusted.

I had also been reading about toxicity, especially aspartameand mercury. I had been drinking diet coke on a regular basis for about a year. Then I watched a movie called Sweet Misery and heard these stories of life altering diseases being manifested through the consumption of this toxic substance. I stopped drinking it immediately after watching the movie. I also watched some documentaries and did literature research about amalgam fillings (silver fillings). The evidence leads to this: Safe removal of silver fillings is necessary. Vacuum, detox protocol, goggles you name it. This stuff is toxic in your mouth and just as bad when you remove it. I have since had all of my amalgams removed. This made a huge difference almost immediately. We also know that just the pressure from having dental work of any kind can cause an extreme amount of harmful motion in your upper neck where your brain stem is located.

Along the way, Rachel and I both have picked up this Lifestyle, the philosophy of living an abundant life through decreasing our toxins and increasing our deficiencies. We now have the opportunity to teach these principles to the world. It is amazing at the response, the world has been waiting. And best of all, God gets all the glory for the miracles that we see.

It’s been over 4 years now.

Action steps to overcoming a monster like Meniere’s:

  • Don’t wear the label. The more you speak into anything, the bigger it gets. Remove the label.
  • Have your spine checked immediately by a wellness chiropractor like at
  • Remove the toxic substances from your life. Artificial sweeteners have to go. Read this post on toxicity.
  • Proper removal of amalgams with proper detox. Go to this website to find a holistic dentist near you.
About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.


  1. Great Information!
    Go to this website to find a holistic dentist near you.?? no link!

    You make me proud to be related to you.
    Love you!

  2. I have heard much about mercury fillings. I have some and would like to get them removed. I was wondering what the ball park estimate is for removal?