How to Make a Green Smoothie

How to Make a Green Smoothie

Written by Liz, Contributing Writer

Leafy greens are an important part of a balanced diet. They are a strong source of vital nutrients including iron, calcium, potassium, vitamin K, and beta-carotene. They are especially important for women, because we are more susceptible to anemia and osteoporosis – diseases resulting from iron deficiency and calcium deficiency, respectively.

The USDA recommends we all get at least 3 cups of leafy greens per week…and I don’t know about you, but they aren’t my favorite things to eat…so I struggle to do that! (source)

One easy way to get your green goodness in is to make green smoothies. Before you get all grossed out, I promise they are YUMMY! I have them in the morning and sometimes for snacks, and believe me, I wouldn’t drink them if I didn’t like them! They are easy to make and easy to drink – a win-win situation, right?

At a nutritional seminar I attended about a year ago, the speaker said, “If you want to change your life tomorrow, drink green smoothies (source).” I have been making them ever since then and she was right – I feel so much better!

There are a few main components to a green smoothie, and a couple optional ones. They are very versatile, and you can put in whatever you want to suit your taste buds.

Here is what you need:


You’ll want a heaping handful or two of leafy greens like kale, spinach, or chard. I usually use kale because it’s a superfood and I don’t like to eat, but I like to drink it.


This is what makes the smoothie naturally sweet and delicious. Really anything goes here – an apple, a half a mango and a banana, a pear, a handful of blueberries or even an avocado – whatever! Just don’t put in too much fruit at one time to avoid sugar overload – a little goes a long way!


You can use juice, milk, water, tea, or even whey. Throw in anywhere from a half a cup to two cups, depending on how thick or watery you want it to be.

Optional probiotics:

Kefir and yogurt are great additions to any smoothie. Probiotics are also a beneficial part of a healthy diet because they colonize your body with good bacteria, and this may be a good way for you to get them in too. A half a cup of either one is good.

Optional extras:

There are so many extras you can throw in, like coconut oil, bee pollen, spirulina, chia seeds, organic protein powder, raw honey, nuts/nut butter, ice, or whatever else your brain can conjure up. The sky is the limit, girl!

The instructions are easy: blend until smooth! 

Ladies, feed these things to your kids and hubby, because they will like them too, and they need those nutrients. Your little ones will have no idea it’s good for them!

**Note from Rachel: Don’t forget to subscribe via email to get your free copy of Spring into Smoothies all Summer Long, where you’ll find lots of great smoothie recipes!

Have you ever made a green smoothie? What is your favorite recipe?


  1. Love it. I love green smoothies, and you’ve motivated to get back into the habit of making them!


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