Leading Little Ones To Love God’s Word

Leading Little Ones To Love God

Written by Contributing Writer, Kelly @ Eyes On The Source

In a recent series at church, our pastor taught on the greatest gift we can bestow upon our children…”The Blessing.”  He spoke on ways to work through things we may or may have not received from our parents and how to bless our own children.  Simple really, but sometimes the words may not come as easily as they should.  What our children really need to hear is that we LOVE them and that we are PROUD of them.  No. matter. what.  And even more importantly, they need to know the love of the one true God.  They need to know about the relationship our God longs to have with each and every one of us.  God’s Word can be misunderstood as a book of rules, but it’s real message is RELATIONSHIP.

You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.”Dueteronomy 6:7

Teaching our children should be part of our everyday life, not just during church or family devotions.  While family devotion time is an excellent idea, if we are not living what we are teaching, we will just push our children away from God instead of drawing them nearer.  Teaching them as we walk in the way will keep it fresh and natural instead of forced and uncomfortable.

I love what our pastor said about this, “You know what’s so special about sitting, walking and lying down?  NOTHING!!” Just being a godly example to our children can have the biggest impact on them!

Incorporate it into your daily life, make it fun, be the example of love and relationship.

This knowledge has caused us to relax more in our family devotion time.  We have mixed it up more, by reading from the Bible one day, a picture book another day or watching JellyTelly Videos, etc.  Just making it fun!!

These are some of our favorite books and resources that we have been using as we “walk by the way.”

(I’ll include links so you can easily find them, not affiliate links.)

1.  “Leading Little Ones To God”

Teaches the basics of the Christian Faith in a very simple way, short daily devotions.

2. Max Lucado Children’s books and “The Tale of Three Trees.”

Beautiful stories that teach a godly lesson.  Perfect for snuggling up on the couch with the kiddos!

Teaching Little Ones to Love God ~ Leadin gLittle Ones, Tale of Three Trees

3.  “Wee Sing Bible Songs” and “Sing the Word” music.

I love to hear my boys singing sunday school songs and memorized scripture.  The Sing the Word Cd’s make memorization fun and easy!

4. Children’s Story Bible.  We use “Ergermiers” and the “Illustrated Family Bible.”

I like that the Illustrated Bible has realistic people in the pictures, instead of typical cartoonish pictures. I want my children to know that these are events that really happened, not just some warm fuzzy stories!

Teaching Litle Ones To Love God~Wee Sing, Family Bible

5. “What God Has Always Wanted” and “What Happens When I Talk to God”

Both of these answer  our  little ones questions of the heart.

6. “Inspired Evidence” and “Dinner Table Devotions” 

For families with older children, I love these two books.  “Inspired Evidence” provides daily devotions including scientific evidence for the Christian faith.  And “Dinner Table Devotions” has conversation starters to discuss as your family gathers for a meal.

Teaching Little Ones To Love GOd ~Inspired Evidence, What God Has Always Wanted

7. “My Creation Bible”

So many great resources from Answers in Genesis!  This is one that my boys read over and over.  It comes with a CD that sets the whole book to music.  A simplified overview of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

8. “The Answers Books For Kids”

Also from Answers in Genesis!  Four short volumes full of questions and answers on Christian faith/life.  Easy to understand truths.

Teaching Little Ones to Love God~ Answers in Genesis Books

Leading Little Ones To Love God's Word

There are endless amounts of amazing resources to encourage our children towards a love of God’s Word and truths, what are some of your favorites??

About Kelly

Kelly is a busy mom homeschooling three boys with her husband. She is always hunting for ways to simplify life and make more quality time for family. She enjoys crafting and researching natural health remedies. She blogs at Eyesonthesource.com on all things Home, Health and Kids. For daily inspiration, follow her on Facebook.


  1. Our littles aren’t so little anymore, but when they were, we used many of the resources you mentioned above. My Pastor says, “It’s not what is taught, but what is caught.” Thank you for the reminder that we witness to our children more by the way we live our lives that with the words that come out of our mouths. Thanks for the great post!

  2. That is one of my favorite verses and one of my very favorite topics. Thanks for sharing! Some of our favorite books for teaching our children the Word have been The Jesus Storybook Bible, Long Story Short, and Old Story New. The latter two are by Marty Machowski.

  3. Very sweet post. When children are young they are so pure they recognize the truth and goodness of our messages with their tender hearts. When they are older…not so much. And yes they certainly learn more by the way we live, than by what we say!

  4. I love to hear of families that really live this out. I also like what your pastor said about the sitting, walking, and lying down part of the verse. Also, their activities we do EVERY day and THROUGHOUT the day. 🙂

    My 6-year old niece got saved just recently. Praise God!!!

  5. Great post. I’ll have to look at those titles more closely when I get a bit more time. Right now my boys just love when my husband tells them bible stories, like Moses and David and Goliath. 🙂

  6. Great ideas! Thank you!

  7. I love Max Lucado’s resources. Hadn’t heard of some of these others. Thank you.