20 Home Remedies for Outdoor Fun

If you have been taking advantage of the extra free time, beautiful weather, and nearby fun outdoor recreation spots so far this summer, chances are your family has had a need for bug repellant, sunscreen, or pain relief.

Rather than spraying or lathering on chemicals that could be harmful to our bodies, especially after so much repeated use over the summer, here are twenty DIY remedies that can be easily made at home. Even if you are an essential oil newbie like myself, you can still find almost all the relief you need this summer from these simple remedies. 

If making your own remedies is new to you or still seems overwhelming, pick two to three remedies that you will use most often to start with and go from there. Even substituting just one chemical-free remedy will get you closer to a healthier summer.

A round-up of twenty home remedies to use before, during, and after your outdoor fun this summer.

Natural Home Remedies to Keep You Safe this Summer:

Sun Protection & Burn Relief

Bug & Tick Repellants

Itch Relief

Aches & Pain Relief


Don’t forget to pin this list for future reference and check out these other posts on outdoor summer fun! 

About Lisa

Lisa is married to her best friend and has three inquisitive and energetic kids. She loves crafty things like sewing and painting and actually enjoys cooking with her kids, and making crackers and pasta from scratch. In the busy fullness of life with young children, Lisa strives to live faithfully, remembering the hope of the gospel in all the everyday things. She blogs about a "pilgrim life", living in grace now and waiting for a more permanent, eternal home at thispilgrimlife.com.


  1. […] I’m sharing a list of twenty home remedies over at Day 2 Day Joys. You can find easy-to-make remedies for sun protection and sunburn relief, bug and tick repellants, […]

  2. […] are tick repellants you can use when you are out. Some people prefer to wear long socks with their pants tucked […]