What’s in our Morning Basket? {Plus our read-alouds}

Going from part-time homeschooling to full-time homeschooling is going to be a transition for all of us. We haven’t ever done a morning basket (or morning time, some might call it circle time) before, but looking forward to getting started this year. 

The purpose of using a morning basket is to start your day off with truth, goodness and beauty. With the things that matter the most! Which are being together, reading and talking about Jesus, reading scripture, diving into rich literate and the art as well as having some laughs! 🙂


So what is in our morning basket?

A great book to read for us homeschooling mamas, is Teaching from Rest. You MUST check it out if you haven’t read it! 

Our read-aloud list:

And here’s a video recapping all of this: 


Do you do a morning basket? What resources do you love?

About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.


  1. […] thought about what subjects we will be covering, what will tie in with our morning basket, what their chores and about other responsibilities and fun things. I looks all over the internet […]