Cultivating a Grateful Attitude

Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer With Thanksgiving coming up soon, people usually begin thinking more about having a grateful attitude. While that's a good thing, it shouldn't be reserved for a single weekend each year.  Although we may not want to admit it, our typical attitude tends toward ingratitude. Perhaps we wouldn't label it that way, but when we find ourselves complaining, always striving for more, or being generally dissatisfied with … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done (in the future)

Written by Christine @ So Domestically Challenged, contributing writer A few weeks ago, I was invited by Rachel to be a contributor here on Day2DayJoys.  I read her invitation.  I got excited.  I closed my email and made a mental note to get back to her...and I did get back to her a few days later. She invited me to do a post.  Immediately, at least 6 great ideas popped into my head.  I was thrilled.  I was energized.  I was ready to go.  But here I … [Read more...]

Five Fun Fall Activities For Children

Written by Courtney @ A + Life, Contributing Writer  It is hard to believe that we are already one month into the fall season and that before long (if not already!) we will be bombarded with all things Christmas related. But, today, I wanted to share about some of our very favorite fall things to do with our daughter, Abigail. This time of year is perfect for being outside all day long! The crisp autumn air, the bright sun, the sights and sounds of fall, all make for a wonderful … [Read more...]

How a morning routine saved my sanity

  Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer I don’t know if you’ve heard this quote “mom sets the tone.” I see it on Pinterest all the time and to be completely honest the first few times I saw it I rolled my eyes. The tone in my house is loud, messy and harried. I feel like I am rushing my kids through the day while carrying this knot between my shoulders. Then one day it hit me, mom sets the tone. It really is true. By the time nap timed rolled around I … [Read more...]

You’re more than “just a mom” + four ways to spark creativity

Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer I don’t think she meant anything by it. This woman standing in front of me at the preschool Halloween party. “Do you work or are you just a mom?” I know she didn’t mean anything by it. It was a more a reflection she saw of herself than of me. See, she had labeled herself as “just a mom.” She told me she quit her job after her daughter was born. “I don’t regret is for a minute, but I miss the creativity,” she … [Read more...]

Whipped Naked Magnesium Butter

Written by Kari @ Living Strong Wellness, Contributing Writer  It seems these days that good, restful sleep is hard to come by. Not only with adults, but children as well. As this is not an exciting fact, it is a reality and I believe we have a wonderful variety of natural options to help us. For instance, there are herbal teas, essential oils, supplements and something I want to share with you today – magnesium butter. Ahhh, this stuff is amazing. Why do I love it so much? Because … [Read more...]

What To Do When You Pretty Much Blow It With Your Children

    Written by Karen @To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer It was one of those Friday afternoons. School should have been finished early on that day. We worked hard all week to plan it that way - and that would have pleased me. But, one distraction after another, and there we were, wrapping things up at nearly 4:00. Those days happen. The swirling list of what I had hoped to accomplish during that "extra" afternoon was crashing hard against the clock and the … [Read more...]

5 tips for Smoother, Happier Mornings

Written by Lydia @ Frugal, debt free life, Contributing Writer A school bus rolled by my house this morning. I was sitting at my desk reading my emails, sipping a cup of coffee when I heard the tell tale sound of a diesel engine rumbling down the road. Is it back to school time already? A quick glance at my Facebook feed filled with smiling faces in fresh school uniforms or holding up newly-minted backpacks confirmed it. Even for those of us whose children aren’t yet school-aged (or in my … [Read more...]

5 Reasons Electronic Devices are Hurting our Kids

Some studies suggest that kids are spending over 6 hours a day using electronic devices, which includes TV, computers, mobile devices, video game consoles and music systems. Whoa... that is CRAZY!! Extensive research has been conducted to establish the effects of these devices on kids. The findings of these studies show that there are both positive and negative effects. However, there are more negative effects since regular and overexposure to these devices can negatively affect the minds of … [Read more...]

Tropical Delight Smoothie

Written by Kari, Contributing Writer   There is something about summer that brings with it the need to make me feel like I live near the ocean, palm trees and an abundant supply of coconuts. The truth is, I live in the foothills of Colorado - which I absolutely love - but it doesn't bring with it the euphoria of ocean waves and coconut beverages!   This is where I use our love of smoothies to fulfill this need for all things tropical. Everyday during the hot months of Colorado, we … [Read more...]