Counting your blessings when there seem to be none

Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer It’s the season of thankfulness and this is one of my favorite times of year. Thanksgiving seems to be the one holiday focused solely on what we already have and not what we want. But if you’re walking through a particularly difficult season of life, counting blessings might be the furthest thing on your mind. But this is when you need to count them the most. Let me tell you a story. Five years ago my husband and I faced one … [Read more...]

Ways to Immerse Your Life in Scripture.

Written by Starla @ Pressing In and Pressing On, Contributing Writer I see a common dilemma among Christians. When I get together with my friends for coffee and play dates, the conversation almost always will hit on our relationship with God and prayer life. The dilemma being that as moms we are so busy and we struggle to have the time to spend in God's word. I have gotten creative in saturating my life with scripture. You do not have to set out an hour of your time to read the bible. I'm … [Read more...]

Cultivating a Grateful Attitude

Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer With Thanksgiving coming up soon, people usually begin thinking more about having a grateful attitude. While that's a good thing, it shouldn't be reserved for a single weekend each year.  Although we may not want to admit it, our typical attitude tends toward ingratitude. Perhaps we wouldn't label it that way, but when we find ourselves complaining, always striving for more, or being generally dissatisfied with … [Read more...]

5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get Things Done (in the future)

Written by Christine @ So Domestically Challenged, contributing writer A few weeks ago, I was invited by Rachel to be a contributor here on Day2DayJoys.  I read her invitation.  I got excited.  I closed my email and made a mental note to get back to her...and I did get back to her a few days later. She invited me to do a post.  Immediately, at least 6 great ideas popped into my head.  I was thrilled.  I was energized.  I was ready to go.  But here I … [Read more...]

How a morning routine saved my sanity

  Written by Lydia @ Frugal Debt Free Life, Contributing Writer I don’t know if you’ve heard this quote “mom sets the tone.” I see it on Pinterest all the time and to be completely honest the first few times I saw it I rolled my eyes. The tone in my house is loud, messy and harried. I feel like I am rushing my kids through the day while carrying this knot between my shoulders. Then one day it hit me, mom sets the tone. It really is true. By the time nap timed rolled around I … [Read more...]

What To Do When You Pretty Much Blow It With Your Children

    Written by Karen @To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer It was one of those Friday afternoons. School should have been finished early on that day. We worked hard all week to plan it that way - and that would have pleased me. But, one distraction after another, and there we were, wrapping things up at nearly 4:00. Those days happen. The swirling list of what I had hoped to accomplish during that "extra" afternoon was crashing hard against the clock and the … [Read more...]

Five Books to Read During Seasons of Grief

Written by Lisa @ This Pilgrim Life, Contributing Writer Tomorrow is one month since I gave birth to my son. Except it was not the joy-through-pain experience that I have had three times before. This time my baby was born stillborn at twenty-two weeks. Wholly unexpected and wholly devastating. We have experienced a lot of emotions over the past month, of course. Our children are young, so they can switch from being sad their brother is gone to waging transformer battles in the … [Read more...]

5 Tips For a Successful Homeschool Year

Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer Today is the first day of our new school year. Today the books are out again, all fresh and crisp. Everyone is excited, and everything is new - for now. But within a few weeks - maybe even days - the newness wears off and my children will wonder how they got duped by those pretty, crisp-covered books again. Sound familiar?  After 20 years of homeschooling, we still sometimes struggle. But along the way, I've learned a … [Read more...]

How to Find Heart Strength When Pain Sears Deep

  Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' " (Lamentations 3:21-24, ESV) The familiar pink line confirmed what I had already suspected: we were expecting our tenth baby. I was excited to see it again because … [Read more...]

The Healthy Lifestyle I Have Chosen

Written by Imperfectly Pamela, Contributing Writer 9+ years ago I decided to treat myself better.  My food choices were crazy & fitness was, well, there was no fitness. I had also just had my 3rd child & knew there needed to be a change.  My oldest son had made a couple, very innocent comments about my weight. I started slowly with some walking dvd's (Leslie Sansone anyone?).  They were 20-30 minutes.  Totally doable with … [Read more...]