Draw my Life || The Story God is Writing in ME

Sharing your story sometimes can be hard, sometimes it can be difficult but did you know it can be healing? Most of us will go through some pretty tough times at some point in our lives. Before I shared my story, I didn’t realize the power and healing it would have. Your story, my story is a gift from God to draw others to Jesus. God is writing a GREAT masterpiece.. He is writing the stories of our lives! And we are all currently walking through different chapters and different … [Read more...]

I am having a miscarriage.

I had a miscarriage. Or maybe I should say, I am having a miscarriage. Something I definitely thought I'd never say again.  We thought we were done having kids. I was content. He was content. Our little family with 4 beautiful children. Going through ups and downs as parents, failures, successes to thinking we’ve got it a little figured out to downright low again. And then do it all over again. But we were content. Then one day, I felt off and my period was late, and I knew. … [Read more...]