Written by KT, Contributing Writer
I know… if you are envisioning tubs of bleach, borax, rubber pants and pre-folds… you have got to get into this century of diapers! They are cute, convenient, easy to clean, and daycare friendly!
Honestly, I had no intention of cloth diapering when I went back to work. I didn’t even want to bring it up at daycare for fear that they would think I was totally crazy (and let’s face it… I might be!). Much to my surprise… daycare brought it up with me! My wonderful, loving, caring, daycare provider said – you do cloth diapers right? I was thinking I could do them here! She keeps the kids egg, gluten, and nut free with homemade meals… and now… cloth diapers?! How does she do it?!
Anyway… here is a list of our daycare daily pack (depending on your stash – you might be able to send 2-3 days at a time). If you don’t do daycare – this is a great list of supplies for babysitters, grandparents, aunts and uncles, or anyone else who might watch the kids if you’re out for a bit.
Here’s a List of To-Go Cloth Diapering Supplies:
Diapers – depending on your babe – 6-8 diapers/day will probably be just fine (my day is 6:30-3:30). I would choose an all in one, pocket, or all in two diaper. I love itti-bittis and any kind of cute pocket diaper (pictured above). I don’t ask my daycare provider to un-stuff them – that is easy to do before the wash.
Wet Bag – These handy dandy, stink free, bags have replaced the “diaper pail.” They are just as cute as diapers are and made of the same waterproof material. Send one that will fit the diapers you’re sending.
Wipes – if your daycare doesn’t mind tossing diapers into a wetbag… why not wipes? Pass them off in a container and already wet (with water).
Bum Spray – for heavy clean up.
Cloth Diaper Friendly Diaper Cream – this is important as many conventional lotions and creams can stain or ruin the diapers.
Carpet Deodorizer Wet Bag Deodorizer – They are the same! This is your non-toxic way of keeping your wet bag fresh smelling all day.
Disposable Diaper Liners – at home we love to use a strip of minky fabric to keep diapers clean. It makes quick work of dumping any… ahem… poop in the toilet without a need for a diaper sprayer or any contact with toilet water… ick. Disposable liners do the same thing and are flush-able – which makes things a little easier at daycare.
In the end – of course this isn’t for every daycare – but ask! If you use cloth diapers at home… most likely you love them and spend time convincing others how great they are… if that’s the case… chat with those who care for your kids! They might love them too!!
If you are interesting in learning more about cloth diapering be sure to check out Confessions of a Cloth Diaper Covert, an ebook that tells you everything you ever wanted to know. *affiliate link
Have you convinced others to use cloth? Do you do cloth at daycare?
*this post is linked to: Encourage One Another, Titus 2sdays, and WFMW*
Great article! We used cloth at daycare for our son (who is now 8, so it was a while ago–I bet acceptance of cloth has increased since then). We did have to send disposable wipes because we couldn’t get them to use cloth wipes. We also couldn’t get them to flush anything, but they would fold the diaper around the poop and snap it, so it was not all that messy at the end of the day. Overall it worked out fine.
The couple of times I forgot to restock his bag and he ran out of diapers and was sent home in a disposable–we could not believe how awful used disposables smell compared to cloth!!!
I was really surprised when she brought it up – that 1. she even knew I used cloth, and 2. that she wanted in! We have a wonderful provider that is willing to follow my every whim-de-jour 🙂 right now they are all gluten free too!
I’m so pleased to read this! Isn’t it lovely to have carers that are able to continue with your home routines! We use cloth and I think it is very doable for a daycare to be able to use them! 🙂 🙂
They really are easy – especially all in ones!
I remember my mother in law, who sometimes watches our son, being REALLY hesitant when I brought up cloth diapers – she had the old fashioned kind in her head and didn’t realize I meant pocket diapers. It’s super easy for her now and she agrees with our decision to switch from disposables. 🙂
Nicole @ WKH
It’s great when they will do it – but even better when you convince them it’s the way to go! 🙂
That is wonderful your daycare lets you use cloth diapers. I don’t have any kids yet but am starting to research about cloth diapering.
They are fantastic! This is a link to a more basic cloth post that might help: http://oneorganicmama.blogspot.com/2013/01/a-fake-crunchy-and-cloth-diapers.html
I run s small in-home daycare. I cloth diaper both of my little ones (2 years and 2 months) and I have mentioned it to each of my clients but this far no one will take me up on the offer and use them. I would prefer them so much more and think or would be great not to have a pile of diaper trash each day but no luck so far… It is great that you also found someone as well! I know friends in other cities who couldn’t find one to accept them.
Keep spreading the word… and showing them how cute they are 🙂