Are You a Slave to Your To-Do List?

Are You A Slave To Your To-Do List?

Written by Karli @ Feed Me Mama, Contributing Writer

One of the biggest investments I have made in myself as a homemaker is purchasing a really nice, well thought out planner. The most useful part of my beloved planner is that each day has it’s own page, with it’s own “to do list” section. At night before I go to bed, and then again in the morning, I add to and edit my to-do list for the day, adding things I didn’t accomplish from the day before making sure I am not forgetting anything pertinent for the current day. Most days, I add many more items than I know that I think I can accomplish- but some days, I end up getting them all done anyway!

A few days ago, however, I got a serious kick in the pants from the Lord about my to do list.

It wasn’t a particularly busy day, mostly filled with laundry and random errands, but the list was full. Soon after waking, my mother called me with an emergency and needed me to come over to watch my brothers for a few hours- and I needed to be there in ten minutes! I quickly dressed the baby, started a load of laundry, and hopped into the car.

Flash forward to the end of the day- the laundry was still in the dryer, the to-do list was totally unchecked, and dinner was bought from the store. I felt like a failure as I apologized to my husband for not getting the sheets onto the bed after washing them early in the morning. I felt like I hadn’t don’t my job that day, as I carefully re-wrote the to-do list for the following day.

It was in that moment that I felt the Lord whisper his approval to me, reminding me that I had done His work, that I had served my mother and family and has still gotten things done around the home.

In the Lord’s eyes, I had accomplished what I needed to for the day simply by being obedient and willing to serve.

Maybe I didn’t feel like the supermom I wanted to, checking off the entire to-do list and starting with a blank slate the next day, but I had helped build the Kingdom by blessing my family.

How often do we chain ourselves to a to-do list, chores, or activities that we feel like we need to do in order to be a successful homemaker? Do we put this list before the actual, present needs of our families? Are we so busy “keeping the home” that we neglect to mother, to be emotionally and spiritually available, or even to be supportive wives?

To-do lists are beautiful things- they can increase our productivity, keep us centered and focused, and even bless our families with their results. But as homemakers, we must hold ourselves to a standard of grace, not perfection, as we set out to do the Lord’s work above all else.

Have you ever felt guilty for not completing your to-do list? I hope you offer yourself grace today!

About Karli

Karli lives just outside of Baltimore, MD with her husband, and their daughter, Hallelujah, born January 2014! She is passionate about natural health, home remedies, and responsible consumerism- she believes that each action we take is one that builds the Lord's Kingdom. You can find her blogging at Feed Me, Mama, as well as onFacebook, Twitter,Pinterest, and Instagram!


  1. Jennifer Aleman says:

    That was so great! I really needed to be reminded of that!

  2. I keep to-do lists but the items get done when time allows and some days I make a sacrifice in either direction – to get them done (depending on how pressing the concerns are) or not to. However, I don’t measure against what gets done or not and it’s probably mostly because I have a very supportive husband that understands how things may change from day-to-day at home. I’m thankful for him.


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