What Makes Us Toxic? {part 2}

Last week, I wrote about what makes us toxic. There are several reasons including our environments, what we put in and on our bodies, even the cleaners we use in our homes effect us, right down to the amount of stress we have, all of these determine how our bodies are/become toxic. This week, I am going to focus on simple ways to detox.

Where Do You Begin?
  • Eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats.
  • Use natural home & personal care products or make your own:
  • Reduce Stress: when your body produces large amounts of stress hormones, they slow down the detoxification process.

How Do We Detoxify?

“Our bodies naturally do it every day. Detoxification is a normal body process of eliminating toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. In fact, internal detoxification is one of our body’s most basic automatic functions.. However, when this system is compromised, impurities aren’t properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected,” states Linda Page in her book A guide to Self-Healing for Everyone
Click Here to view 12 steps you can take to detox.
A wonderful way to detoxify your body is doing the Healing Diet, which is not only good for detox but protecting your body from Diabetes, Obesity, Heart Disease, Autism, Digestive disorders, Fatigue, Depression, Hormone imbalance, and Cancer prevention.
An important part of your detoxification diet should be:

  • Spring water, reverse osmosis water or tested well water
  • Organic Whole Foods. especially meats, poultry, fish
  • Plenty of vegetables and fruits
  • Fats that heal (E.F.A.s)
  • Unrefined sea salt
  • Probiotics
  • Eat primarily foods that contain live enzymes (raw food) and nutrients.
  • Avoid drugs–over-the-counter, prescription, and recreational types
      • Substitute natural remedies, such as nutrients, herbs, and homeopathic medicines, all of which have fewer side effects.
  • Avoid or minimize exposure to chemicals at home and work is also important.

Read more about the Healing Diet here.

A great Detox drink

day2day joys
It’s Healthy 2day Wednesdays 7th Link Up! So glad you’re here! Thank you for stopping by! Hope you’ll take a second to read some of the other entries! I hope we will all learn something to help make our families healthier! Check out last week’s link up for a lot of great tips.

Each week, I am going to choose 3 posts that really stuck out to me, something that I thought would be encouraging to everyone.

My top 3 entries from last week:
Research: It’s Worth It
-a personal story about why she (a sahm) researches choices for her family
How to eat Real Food in 8 easy steps
-helpful steps you can take to help you eat Real Foods
Chicken & Maters Stew
-a hearty stew you will love made with homemade ketchup

Rules for this Link up:

  • Share an idea, tip, recipe, things to avoid, something new to try, alternative medicine, going “green” tips, etc. that will help us to remain or become more healthy!
  • Comment on someone who linked up before you
  • Add button or link back to that days link up
  • Spread the word so we can learn more ideas on keep our families healthy! If you’re not participating today, I hope you’ll come back & join in!
  • Ideas: homebirths, natural remedies, an interesting article, something eco-friendly, a review your doing, natural cleaner, alternative medicine, How to’s, the list goes on & on!

*This post is also linked to Works for Me, Women Living Well, Titus 2sdays
About Rachel

Rachel is a mother to four children and a wife to a wellness doctor. Her passions are faith, family, and health. You can find her writing about her family adventures and inspiring you to make healthier choices for your family.


  1. Hello, Rachel,
    Good to hear from you! I love your blog colors and the healthy topics…can’t wait to dig into your writing soon. My computer kicks me off at MN, so I’m racing 🙂 Thanks for the link-up!

  2. HI Rachel,
    I shared my homemade almond flour with a video and two articles I hope you enjoy!

  3. [Not sure how I posted my link twice…feel free to delete one of them!! Cheddar Bacon B’fast Muffins]

    I am sure enjoying your series on what makes us toxic — so much to consider! We’re well into our journey to better health, but there is always so much more to do. I have to keep reminding myself that in order to keep my family happy, I can only change one or two things at a time.

    I love it when I find a product, recipe, or idea/method to replace something we do or use now. We already make our own laundry soap (made up a batch yesterday) and other various household pantry items (like Ranch dressing).

    I just started a new (occasional) series called “Homemade Pantry” to highlight those items and to encourage everyone that making your own is fun, easy, healthier, and frugal.

    Thanks for hosting! ~Lisa

  4. Thanks for the mention from last week’s link up. I like your post this week and agree it’s important, but I don’t think I could ever give up coffee.

  5. Hi Rachel Great article – such good reminders! Thanks love, Karyn