A Divine Calling {Motherhood}

Guest Post by Kerri of Whole Journey Mama

Motherhood is a call from God.

Motherhood is about being a partner with God.

Motherhood is Divine.

Now, having said this, do you feel this way about Motherhood when you think of it? I know often for me, it’s hard to feel this sacred calling is meaningful when you are changing diapers all day, have spit up all over your shirt, have been wearing the same pj’s for days, doing endless laundry and avalanches of dishes, cleaning up messes, making meals, running errands, dealing with tantrums, breaking up little fights, working through screaming and crying, negotiating with toddlers and the list goes on.

Motherhood is hard work.

Motherhood is not so pretty at times (sometimes even gross).

Motherhood is exhausting.

We all used to be such glamor girls, but we traded that for diaper bags, tired eyes, and plain jeans and a t-shirt. Right?

In the mist of all the chaos as mothers that we face, we can stand back and see what a “beautiful mess” we have created with God’s help and keeping the right perspective. Being a mom is one of the most challenging yet amazing jobs we could ask for. It is a job that no matter how good our intentions, or how hard we try, we can’t do on our own. We will get tired. We will get frustrated. We will mess up (A LOT). We need the help of our Heavenly Father. And we need it everyday. We must be humble enough to ask for God’s help, after all, he is the one who sent us and entrusted these special spirits to love and nurture. There is nothing like a child to cause you to fall on your knees at the feet of our Heavenly Father pleading for help. We need him as much as he needs us. Pray for his guidance.

I’ll admit its hard to know that we are doing the Lord’s work when it comes to motherhood because we are blinded by all the “things we have to do.” And I don’t know about you, but I feel so busy all the time but I look around and say, “What did I do all day?” On my no good very bad days I often ask, “is this really how it was meant to be?” We question our sanctity, our duty, and our roles as mothers – “did we really sign up for this?”

However we may feel at times, we must remember we are participating the greatest of God’s work and we are in a position of such power and influence. We have a huge responsibility of molding our children to be productive citizens of society. Motherhood surprises us with a great opportunity for personal and spiritual growth and in return we grow closer to our Heavenly Father because of this. If we would but listen to the still small voice, we would gain a greater understanding of our purpose as mothers in the grand scheme of things.

Why does Christ love us so much? Think about it, because he sacrificed so much for us in our behalf. Same goes with us as Mothers, we love our children so much because we sacrifice every single day for them. We would even pay the ultimate sacrifice for them, wouldn’t we? That is how strong our love is. We are endowed with a love that is unlike any other on the face of this earth because of what God has entrusted us with.

Believe it Mommies! Believe that this is what your supposed to be doing. Believe that God did not leave you here alone to do it all yourself. Trust him. Believe that what you are doing is a very divine calling. Our example influences far beyond our comprehension. Embrace it and all it has to offer.

Do you believe Motherhood is a divine calling? How do you embrace your Motherhood mess?

Kerri is a Chiropractic wife, Gospel lover, Natural living Mom to 3 boys (so far), an Attached Positive Parent, Organic and Fit Foodie, Real food chef, Group Fitness Instructor (zumba and bodyflow), and a wellness and fitness enthusiast. She embraces and loves anything that is Christ centered, holistic and loves the outdoors. She is a blogger and writer over at Whole Journey Mama.


  1. Motherhood is the one of the hardest things, yet most rewarding, great reminder that God specifically choose us to be Mothers!

  2. Hi, Rachel
    I’m just stopping by to wish you a wonderful weekend and Lord’s Day! I hope you and all your family are well and thriving in the Lord 🙂 So glad to welcome this new little one. Congratulations, dear Mama 🙂
    My husband and son are spreading chicken manure fertilizer on the fields all today and it S.M.E.L.L.S out there! The rains should come tomorrow night and wash that stuff deep into the grasses and soil! Hopefully 🙂 Blessings and love!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement!

  4. I have not been a mother, but I served as a live in nanny and so I took on the role of mother from 8:00A to 6:00P 5 days a week. That was exhausting enough. I salut mothers!


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