Getting Back To The Basics Of Life

Written by Contributing Writer, Kelly @ Eyes On The Source

As I write this I am preparing for a missions trip with two of my three boys.  By the time you read this we will be back already 🙂  I’ll put together an update post about the trip that you can find over on my blog.

Basics Of Life Feet of those

I am looking forward to this opportunity, especially for my 9 year old son.  We live in a society where even those of us with very little have so much more than the rest of the world.  We are very much used to instant gratification and often so spoiled but we don’t even realize it!  I am hoping this trip will open his eyes to thinking outside of his own little world and show him what REAL need is like.  I hope and pray that he will embrace this opportunity to give and learn.  I pray that he will know how blessed we can be by blessing others.

Each of our team members has been asked to prepare a 5-10 minute devotional to share with the group throughout the week.  I was thinking and praying about what to share this morning.  I had music playing on my phone and then on the Christian station on my TV and the same song came on twice within an hour…so I thought perhaps that was God’s way of answering that question.  🙂

This song has been close to my heart for many years.  As technology progresses and our schedules fill up more and more, it is extremely easy to get away from the basics of life.  Living in a state of busy-ness with constant distraction leads us to worry and focus on current worldly issues, instead of focusing in the one who can bring us through those issues.  Taking our eyes off of Jesus for just one moment causes us to sink very quickly.  (Matthew 14:22-33)

I often wonder how people make it through this life without God and a real relationship with his son, Jesus.  It may sound sort of cliche to ask such a question, but I very seriously would have given up long ago without this solid foundation. Loss of friends and family, miscarriage, marriage struggles, physical disabilities, job loss, uncertainties in relationships…and so on… I cannot do it without being able to cry out to a loving God and Savior.  And yet so many are surviving without Him.  I don’t want to just survive, I want to THRIVE!

Getting Back To The Basics Of Life 2

I pray that this song will encourage you, as well, to prayerfully remove distractions from your life and get back to the “Basics of Life.”



About Kelly

Kelly is a busy mom homeschooling three boys with her husband. She is always hunting for ways to simplify life and make more quality time for family. She enjoys crafting and researching natural health remedies. She blogs at on all things Home, Health and Kids. For daily inspiration, follow her on Facebook.


  1. I, too, so often think of those who are without Christ. It breaks my heart to think of people going through the struggles in this life without the HOPE of Christ. Let us resolve together to pray for those who don’t know Him. Thanks for the beautiful post. Have a wonderful trip – what a blessing for your family.