7 {Non- Sweet} Easter Basket Ideas

Each and every Easter we enjoy filling our kids' baskets with goodies. We try to avoid sweets since they get plenty of those from school parties and family, and we just focus on non-sweet things. We already have some things on this list but I still think they are great ideas if you don't have them yet. 7 {non- sweet} Easter Basket Ideas 1. The Jesus Calling Bible Storybook We read a couple stories from the kids' bible together almost every night. We have a couple different bibles since … [Read more...]

Learning to Apologize

Written by Kristen @ Smithspirations, Contributing Writer Have you ever been hurt by someone and found the hurt worsened because you never received a sincere apology? I've been there, and it can be terribly painful. Sometimes what isn't said after an emotional hurt can do more damage than the original offense. While we can't do anything to make other people in our lives learn how to apologize, we can make a commitment to be sincere in our own apologies. I certainly don't want to leave … [Read more...]

Simple, Intentional Encouragement

Written by Jenn @ A Simple Haven, Contributing Writer One of my goals for 2014 is to speak the words of encouragement I think but often neglect to say: what I love about a friend, what I appreciate about my husband and kids, a note of thanks for kindness rendered or a note of sympathy for a friend going through a hard season. I know words are powerful. The Bible even says they even have the power of life and death. I've experienced that power, for better and worse. And I've seen … [Read more...]

The Spiritual Food Fight

Written by Kathy @  Simple Clean Living, Contributing Writer When we think about food, rarely do we tend to think of it in spiritual terms. We simply eat foods that we enjoy without giving it a second thought. But there is a clear connection between our spiritual walk and the food that we eat.  God created us to use food as fuel for our amazing bodies, and it is one of the few things in the world that we cannot live without, at least for extended periods of time. Unfortunately, the enemy is … [Read more...]

Keeping Christ in Christmas, but Not Leaving Him in the Manger

By Kristen @ Smithspirations, Contributing Writer Around this time of the year, a rallying cry from Christians often has to do with contending for the real meaning of Christmas. We hear and say slogans like "Jesus is the reason for the season" and "Keep Christ in CHRISTmas", and all with good reason. I admit that I enjoy making homemade gifts, supporting home and small businesses with my purchases, and yes, even scoring a good deal from a big retailer, but all of the buying can take away from … [Read more...]

Making Christmas Last All Year

Written by KT @ One Organic Mama, Contributing Writer I love Christmas. I love the spirit, season, the holiday, the decorations, the food, and being with my family.  I wish Christmas lasted ALL year and here is how I extend it as long as possible :) Here are my 3 tips for extending our Christmas spirit and love throughout the entire year. 1. Gather the gifts Despite my best efforts to cut down on the gifting of Christmas, my kids get tons of gifts.  They have a lot of people who care … [Read more...]

We’re Going to Try Truth in the Tinsel this Year

I've had the Truth in the Tinsel ebook for about 2 years but I still haven't gotten around to doing it with my kids. The first year, we just opened our business after waiting on God and then last year I let the busyness take over and didn't make time. And I cannot promise I'll be able to do all the activities this year but I am going to make an effort, even though today is the first day of the advent activities and I have nothing ready. :) Today I wanted to share a Question & Answer … [Read more...]

How to Redeem Halloween in a Lost World

Goodness gracious. When it comes to holidays people can really snarl their noses and point fingers on saying whether something is right or wrong, no matter what side of the fence they're on. And of course that can happen in most areas of raising children, can't it?? Natural birth vs. medicated, spankings vs. no spanking, homeschool vs. public school, when's the appropriate age to let your teen date, the list goes on in the great debates in motherhood. So I guess I shouldn't be surprised … [Read more...]

Time with Friends {A Personal Story}

Written by Kim, Contributing Writer Jenn's recent post on balancing motherhood and other priorities confirmed my idea to share this allegorical story I wrote a year or so ago. Please read it through to learn "the moral of the story", a poignant message for we modern wives and mothers. Early in my life, I was introduced to an old family friend.  In fact I can’t remember a time when Sophie wasn’t part of our family.  She was quiet and patient, but always ready with the right word at the right … [Read more...]

On Balancing Motherhood and other Priorities

Mark Hillary/flickr Written by Jenn, Contributing Writer **special note from Rachel: Jenn has been contributing for a little less than 2 years. She has shared her heart, tips, encouragement for mothers, frugal budgeting tips and so much more. Her very first post way 9 Ways to Improve your Health and 2 of her most popular posts were 7 Realistic Ways to Eat Real Food on a Budget and How to Rekindle the Romance in Your Marriage. She has been a blessing to me and I hope she has to you. … [Read more...]