Draw my Life || The Story God is Writing in ME

Sharing your story sometimes can be hard, sometimes it can be difficult but did you know it can be healing? Most of us will go through some pretty tough times at some point in our lives. Before I shared my story, I didn’t realize the power and healing it would have. Your story, my story is a gift from God to draw others to Jesus. God is writing a GREAT masterpiece.. He is writing the stories of our lives! And we are all currently walking through different chapters and different … [Read more...]

Five Books to Read During Seasons of Grief

Written by Lisa @ This Pilgrim Life, Contributing Writer Tomorrow is one month since I gave birth to my son. Except it was not the joy-through-pain experience that I have had three times before. This time my baby was born stillborn at twenty-two weeks. Wholly unexpected and wholly devastating. We have experienced a lot of emotions over the past month, of course. Our children are young, so they can switch from being sad their brother is gone to waging transformer battles in the … [Read more...]

How to Find Heart Strength When Pain Sears Deep

  Written by Karen @ To Work With My Hands, Contributing Writer "But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'The LORD is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him.' " (Lamentations 3:21-24, ESV) The familiar pink line confirmed what I had already suspected: we were expecting our tenth baby. I was excited to see it again because … [Read more...]

Seeing the Death of Jesus Through the Loss of a Child

  Written by Karli @ Feed Me Mama, Contributing Writer About 18 months ago, I lost my first baby. We had been trying to get pregnant for about a year, and we were completely and utterly shocked when our first ultrasound revealed that there was no heartbeat. Devastated doesn't begin to convey the roller coaster of emotions that swept my family in the coming months. I couldn't image a good reason for this pain- what would the Lord do with this loss? Could he be glorified in the midst of … [Read more...]

When Dreams are Shattered

Pounding of my heart. I waited, waited, waited to see 2 pink lines, and as short as the long wait was, they were there. Two lines that represented my heart's longing, to be a mother to baby once again. My heart overfilled with joy at the sight. My two now, growing up but not too grown up, past the baby and toddler years. Now into puzzles, learning to spell b-a-t, and oh the argumentative bliss of a 5 year old boy and 3 year old girl. Excited. Excited to see them as a big brother and … [Read more...]

Loss and Hope

I wanted this post to be a pregnancy announcement  since I would have been 12 weeks, I would have thought I made it to the "safe" stage. There are some hard things, other than the expected I have been facing. I do want to take a snapshot of how I'm feeling that somehow I can see in the future  that God was (and I know He is), that His hands were in all of this. I want to capture my feeling and to let others going through this that they are not alone, the Lord is with you.   These are … [Read more...]

Going through Something I Never thought I’d have to… Again

I'm Going through something I never thought I'd have to...again, yes I am losing another baby. I'm sitting at the pharmacy as I write this, a place our family NEVER comes. Never once have I filled a prescription for my husband, my kids, or myself in the past 5 years. This is against everything I want to do! However, it is an emergency since my baby, who is in heaven safe and sound, is an ectopic pregnancy and is life threatening to me if left untreated. It is very hard for me to have to … [Read more...]

The Lord is My Comforter

You never know why things happen. You can't sell your house, you lose your job, a family member is sick, a friend dies. It's so hard to deal with these kinds of situations. Only God knows the reasons! And I know only He knows but it is hard to understand the why, that why we desperately want to know."We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28As I am writing this I am losing our baby. We just found out on … [Read more...]